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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Autonomy 6 HUMAN NEEDS (Source: Objective Management Group) of managers spendenough time drivingaccountability of managers spendenough time drivingaccountability 70% of sales Only 15% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Ireland UK US Only 5% What can we do? - Dan Pink, Drive Money Purpose Mastery 3 Factors that lead to better performance: PurposeGrowthTrustConnection Goal-Setting To achieve your goal, what has to happen in 3 months? Create a vision: To achieve your goal, what has to happen in 1 month? To achieve your goal, what has to happen in 1 week? To achieve your goal, what has to happen in 6 months? Identify challenges: Identify possible solutions: What are the consequences of not achieving this goal? What are the benefits of achieving this goal? What are your limiting beliefs? What are your positive incantations? Overcome the barriers to achieving your goal: kennedyronan kennedyronan By following your goals, you risk failure. By not following your goals you risk unfulfillment.If you take a risk both ways, why not take the more exciting risk? To achieve your goal, what has to happen in 6 months? To achieve your goal, what has to happen in 3 months? instructions: not 1. Write down your vision at the top. (e.g. Change jobs, lose weight, run a marathon etc.)2. Then, break the process down into small steps starting with what you need to do in 6months, then 3 months, 1 month and finally 1 week.3. Be very clear about the steps to achieve this and seek advice from professionals if needed.4. See the examples on my website for more information and tips.5. Write down challenges that you think you may face along the journey.You don't need to be sure of them but just noting them with help you predict them in advance.6. Write down the possible solutions for the challenges. These don't need to be definite solutions.The idea is that we start to search for solutions now, they'll be easier to find in the future.7. Write down the consequences of not achieving your goal. What will it cost you? What will itcost your family and friends. What will it cost your career or health? How will you feel?8. Write down the benefits? What will it mean for you? What will it mean for the people you careabout? What will it give you? What will it allow you to do? How will your life be?9. Limiting beliefs are things that we sometimes believe are holding us back and preventing usfrom doing what we want or need to do. The difference between limiting beliefs and real limitsis that real limits are definite proven facts, whereas limiting beliefs are just beliefs. (e.g. "I can't runa marathon because I don't have the right body frame", Or "there are no jobs out there!")10. Positive incantations involve creating words or phrases that you can say to yourself to counter-act limiting beliefs. (e.g. "I'll find a way", "just do it", "back yourself") By following your goals, you risk failure.By not following your goals you risk unfulfillment.If you take a risk both ways, why not take the more exciting risk?
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