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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Evolving technology Son jovenes aplicados a las nuevastecnologias y motivados por un airede los anos 1980. Generalmente son los hijos de lageneracion mas joven de los BabyBoomers y de la Generacion X.Los padres de esta generacion en lineas generales nacieron entre1960 y 1980. Brief CARACTERISTICAS ' ? MEDIOS DOMINANTES ' ' Generacion internacionalnacida entre 1995 y el primerlustro de la decada del 2000 Generacion internacionalnacida entre 1995 y el primerlustro de la decada del 2000 The process of technological evolution culminates with the ability to achieve all the material values technologically possible and desirable by mental effort. The first technological stage was the creation of the tool which provides mechanical advantage in accomplishing a physical task, such as an arrow, plow, or hammer. The second technological stage was the creation of the machine. The third, and final stage of technological evolution is the automation. The automation is a machine that removes the element of human control with an automatic algorithm. Like ways technology has effects in many factors and in many ways. Technology can effect in both positive and negative way. It has many impacts. Some factors are like in educational, medical, security and in our daily life. We use technology everyday life. Technology makes our life easier and faster. Se mueven por diversos estilos, siendo el rap, el pop, el heavy metal y el pop punk, los mas seguidos.Son capaces de hacer grandes comunidades y enormes colaboraciones por medio del internet sinconocer a nadie personalmente.Se adaptan de manera extraordinarias a futuras tecnologias.Se les llama NATIVOS DIGITALES. La educacion y el trabajo desempenan un rol poco importante en sus vidas. SURGE... ACONTECIMIENTOS SURGE... Son mas inclinados al mundo virtual.Su sociedad existe en internet donde habre su mente y expresan sus propias opiniones.
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