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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 One-third of the children ,about 33%, will have , permanent disabilitiesother injuries:3303 children2100 women Israeli Criminal war on Gaza 2014... 2174 Palestinians Killed30% old men and women34% children under 18 1100+ civilians injured..including:145 families lost 3 or more memberssome of the families were all killed 3.6 billion dollar estimated damages in Gaza caused by Israeli war machine Israelis targeted Hospitals, clincs, schools , playground, parks, banks, electricity plantwater pumps and manyother civilian institutions10 hospitals were destroyed partiallymost of medical equipment destroyed in those hospitals27 clincs and first-aid centres were destroyd141 governmental schools76 UN run schools5 private schools6 universities and colleges More than 17132 houses in Gaza2465 houses were totally destroyed 14667 houses partially destroyedother 36000 houses damaged about 47 medics were injured11 UN emplyees injured Israeli artilary and warplanes targeted holly places62 mosques destroyed totally107 mosques damaged1 church damaged10 muslim cemeteries damaged1 christian cemetery damaged Both UN run schools and other schoolswere sheltering Gaza civilians whose houses were totally or partially destroyed. Most of the civilians sought for safety in UN Schools as they are supposed to be protected in accordance with international laws. UN provided Israeli officials with locations of those schools and numbers of refugees to avoid targeting them...However, Israeli warplanes and tanks targeted those schools ..causing hundreds of casualities.. Gaza Will Survive One-Third of the injured Palestinian childrenwill have to live with permanent disabilities..Because of Israeli War on Gaza 447+ children killed227 boys170 girls68% under the age of 12.some of them were just babies. many families wereinjured in UN run schools,that they sought forrefuge after thousands of civilians lost their housesIsraeli warplanes and heavy artilaryshelled those schoolsmore than 6 timeswith proir knowledgeregarding refugeesin those schoolsseeking shelter 36 Ambulances were targeted and destroyed by Israeli artilary and warplanes.23 medics were killed in duty17 Journalists were killed by Israeli forceswhile covering the war Gaza Will Survive 5 high building were totally destroyed, leaving 170+ families homeless.45000+ civilians were displaced1 ,and only, Power Plant destroyed.15000+ farms and farming lands destroyed.372 factories and workshops destroyed.55 fishing boats destroyed48 charity and civilian societies destroyd..Sever shortage of water because of electricity loss.seriously damaged infrastructure...Increasing suffering for the coming years trying to rebuild... Lost everything,fathers, mothersbrothers, sisters, families,, safety...and all beautiful things..yetThey have hope for a better future... Gaza May Need 20 Years to rebuild what Israelis destroyed during war on Gaza
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