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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Cellular Respiration: Oxygen Source Photosynthesis Reaction: Production of Sucrose Photosynthesis is an important process that humans and other animals depend on for oxygen and food source. Cyanobacteria are unicellular blue-green algae and can photosynthesize. Cyanobacteria are autotrophs and have the ability to make organic molecules from inorganic raw materials. Because cyanobacteria are prokaryotes, they do not have an inner membrane system or nuclei. Surprisingly, cyanobacteria have thylakoids embedded into the folds of the external membrane of the cyanobacteria, that functions in photosynthesis.Cyanobacteria will be sent up to Mars to be used as an oxygen source in the biodome. The cyanobacteria will be kept in a room in the biodome that has a tube that connects to the outside environment of mars because 95.32% of Mars atmosphere consists of carbon dioxide, which is a necessary component in photosynthesis. A tube will also connect to the inside of the biodome which will carry oxygen to the part of the biodome the organisms live. Cyanobacteria perform photosynthesis by first taking in solar energy using the bluish pigment called phycocyanin and use the light energy to fuel the light reactions. Light for this reaction will be provided by the lights placed on the ceiling of the biodome that are powered by solar energy panels. In the light reactions, energy is used to strip electrons such as hydrogen ions from water producing oxygen gas. These light reaction also produce NADPH and ATP which is needed in the second part of photosynthesis known as the dark reactions (light independent reactions). In the dark reactions, ATP and NADPH drive the reduction of carbon dioxide into more useful organic compounds such as glucose and other sugars. The cyanobacteria will be genetically engineered to be able to withstand the extremely cold temperatures, a longer lifespan, and to reproduce faster. Genetically Engineered cyanobacteria will be placed into two separate domes so they can photosynthesize and produce oxygen. A large tube which has a CO2 filter on top of the tube will be placed on the side of the dome to filter CO2 from mars' atmosphere into the the dome holding the genetically engineered cyanobacteria. The cyanobacteria will be genetically modified so the cyanobacteria can excrete sucrose and have a longer lifespan. 3/4 of the dome will have a large container that will hold all the cyanobacteria in the dome. The other 1/4 of the dome will be taken up by an oxygen screen that only allows oxygen to pass through which will then filter into the larger (main) dome by a series of tubes. The ethanol filter only allows ethanol to filter through the ethanol filter and then sink through to the bottom of the building where the ethanol is stored and can be administered to the rovers. For yeast to convert to sucrose into yeast, the yeast need to perform anaerobic respiration which is cellular respiration in the absence of oxygen. In anaerobic respiration the final electron acceptor, oxygen, is absent and NADH is recycled into NAD+ so glycolysis can begin again. Biodome The biodome will be made out of sturdy, light weight solar panels. These solar panels will catch solar energy which can be used to power the biodome and lights that powers photosynthesis and the lights in the water reaction. These solar panels will be insulated to keep a regular temperature of 75 degrees Celcius. The biodome will be made of the strongest but lightest metal that can protect the interior of the biodome from the outside environment of Mars. The biodome will also be built on the equator of mars because this is where more sun is available for solar paneled dome to catch. The energy caught by the solar panels will power heaters and fans so that the temperature of the dome can be heated or cooled. The biodome will continue down into the ground of Mars so that oxygen cannot passinto the anaerobic respiration reaction. There is a living area in the underground portion of the dome that is supplied with oxygen. A large building in between the living area and the anaerobic respiration reaction building ensures that no oxygen from the living area gets into the anaerobic respiration reaction. Terraforming Mars Respiration is a process which all cells use in order to break down energy sources such as glucose in order to release the energy in the source so that the cell can use the energy. The equation for respiration is C6H12O6 + 6O2 yields energy + 6CO2 + 6H2O. There are two types of respiration: aerobic, or with air, and anaerobic, or without air. Aerobic respiration is performed using oxygen gas as part of the equation shown above, so one of the products of aerobic respiration is water. However, anaerobic respiration (also called fermentation) does not use oxygen gas in the respiration equation, instead NADH is restored back to its oxidized form, NAD+. Two domes will be dedicated to the photosynthesis process. Under the main dome an underground living area resides as well as the ethanol and yeast reactions. Two buildings are dedicated to making ethanol from sucrose. Each building is on opposites sides of the underground space. Before the two ethanol reactions there is one building in front of the ethanol reaction building that ensures no oxygen is let into the room. Tubes coming from the water reaction and the water reaction carry water and sucrose to the top of the building in the ethanol reaction. In the top portion of the building holds yeast, sucrose, and water and there is an ethanol filter that is the underneath the top part of the building that converts the sucrose into ethanol. The ethanol filter only allows ethanol to filter through the ethanol filter and then sink through to the bottom of the building where the ethanol is stored and can be administered to the rovers. For yeast to convert to sucrose into yeast, the yeast need to perform anaerobic respiration which is cellular respiration in the absence of oxygen. In anaerobic respiration the final electron acceptor, oxygen, is absent and NADH is recycled into NAD+ so glycolysis can begin again. Because water is also created during cellular respiration process, water is transported through a tube to a water storage area in the building that ensures no oxygen can get into theanaerobic respiration reaction where the water is then picked up and stored in a rover. The rover takes the water to themain dome and dispenses the water into the water storage area from the soil to water reaction. This water is then used in the cyanobacteria photosynthesis reaction. By Marie Klaire Choy and Sanjana Gopalan Water Source on Mars Dirt in mars contains water that can be extracted from the dirt by baking the soil. This reaction will occur in two separate buildings in the biggest/main dome. The top floor of the building will be dedicated to baking the soil and extracting the water. The dirt will be brought by the rovers and dispensed into a slot where the dirt will be baked. There are lights embedded in the ceiling of the building and are powered by the solar panels that cover the whole main dome. The top floor of the building will be insulated with aluminum to preserve heat. A water screen next to the baking soil allows only extracted water to pass through the water screen and into the water storage container. Also, cellular respiration produces water when 2 hydrogen ions, 2 electrons, and an oxygen atom react to form water in the electron transport chain. Some of the water from the yeast will be transported through a tube that brings water to the photosynthesis reaction. The light fixtures used in the photosynthesis reaction will be a light source that powers the photosynthesis reaction. Theselights will be powered by solar energy. These lights will only be on during the night because the sun will not be out at nighttime.The solar panels will store energy which will then be used at night to power the light fixtures. These light fixtures hang down fromthe ceiling of the dome and are only two feet above the cyanobacteria container so the optimum amount of light can be absorbedby the cyanobacteria. double click to change this title text! double click to change this title text! double click to change this title text! Light Fixtures double click to change this title text! Products Reycled All the products from each reaction are recycled. For instance, the photosynthesis reaction requires CO2 and H20 which are both products of the Cellular Respiration reaction. Likewise, the cellular respiration reaction requires sucrose which is made in the photosynthesis reaction. The ethanol that is made in the cellular respiration reaction is used to power the roversthat aid the water reactions. Complete Biodome Close Up of All Reactions References 1) Glycolysis. (2014, January 1). Retrieved December 1, 2014, from Lewis, T. (2013, December 23). Incredible Technology: How to Mine Water on Mars. Retrieved December 1, 2014, from Mars. (2014, November 30). Retrieved December 1, 2014, from Mars Facts: Life, Water and Robots on the Red Planet. (2014, November 4). Retrieved December 1, 2014, from New Source for Biofuels Discovered by Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin. (2008, April 23). Retrieved December 1, 2014, from Solar panel. (2014, November 27). Retrieved December 1, 2014, from
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