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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Do Video Games Tell Stories? Some do/ Some Don't EMPTY "Wright says the obvious that video games are not a good medium to tell a story. The game players role is that of an actor, not that of anaudience. In movies, actors play the actors"(Malstrom). CREATE I see where Wright is coming from. It is mucheasier for us to grasp movies and writers work as stories.I think people like Wright haven't experienced videogames enough to realize that some games can tellstories. I think this is very harsh. They were veryrude when saying this. They could have stated there opinion in a much nicer way. DON'T FULL "Just who the hell do these people think they are?Why do they think they are qualified to tell a story? Because they can program a computer? Get out of here"(Malstrom). "Just who the hell do these people think they are?Why do they think they are qualified to tell a story? Because they can program a computer? Get out ofhere." DO "The story supposes that the player is a hero, that he is engaged in a tale of his own making, and that because the experience is interactive it is better than linear stories."(Kelly) I agree to a certain point. I thinksome video game stories canbe better than linear stories. Ithink it all depends on the game. "I would argue that games are ripe with narrative possibilities thatis, the way these often mundane stories are delivered. I feel, in fact,that there are some big mainstream games that are often made fun offor their crappy stories that actually have very interesting narratives"(Mark). I think Mark is right. I don't think games get enoughcredit for their stories. Not everyone looks at videogames in depth enough. A lot of users play them forfun not for the story. Most video games havestories. My Opinion I think that some video games can tell stories and others don't.Some games like Minecraft don't have a plot or anything you just play for fun. So it technically doesn't have a story but you createyour own story when playing it. I think that they games that aremore free lance the player creates the story for that game. Withgames that have a story and you do certain mission, thosegames have a certain story they are getting across. For exampleif you were to play a game like Call Of Duty, you go through themissions and you are completing the story that has already beencreated.
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