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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Monsters Spells your artboard start from scratch[clears the canvas] Traps The different types of monsters are-Effect-Normal-Ritual-Synchro-Fusion-XYZ-Pendulum The different types of spells are-Continuous - Speed Spell 1-Field - Speed Spell 1-Normal - Speed Spell 1-Pendulum - Speed Spell 1-Quick-Play - Speed Spell 2-Ritual - Speed Spell 1 The different types of traps are-Continuous - Speed Spell 2-Counter - Speed Spell 3-Monster - Speed Spell 2-Normal - Speed Spell 2 Speed Spells In a chain only cards with the same speed spell or higher of the card that was activated can respond to it. Although cards with a spell speed 1 are unable to be any chain link except chain link 1. Chains -A chain starts when turn player activates a card or effect in an open state, thus creating a closed state.-Once a chain has started the opponent can use a spell speed 2 or higher in response to the previous link in the chain, or they can pass, which allows the turn player to chain to their own card. If they also pass, then the chain resolves, but if they do chain another card the opponent may then respond. Etc.-When a chain is complete, it resolves backwards, meaning that the first card to activate is the last to resolve, and vice versa.-At the end of the chain the state becomes open once more. GAME STATE Open State-Turn player may activate next card-Turn player may conduct a summon that doesn't start a chain-Turn player may start a chain-Turn player may attempt to change phases-Turn player may attack Closed State-Either player may chain effects when appropriate-Either player may pass the next chain link to their opponent Speed Spells, Chains, and Game States in Yu-Gi-Oh! There is no set speed spell for each kind of monster, but unless if it has a trigger-effect or states that it is a quick-effect, it has a speed spell of 1.
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