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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Una mirada al ejercicio político y social hecho a lo largo y ancho del país desde el Partido Centro democrático Accidental or unplanned growth in mobileapplications can lead to unmanaged dataconsumption in the enterprise. of mobile applications - discarded mobile apps stillconsuming data in an unmanaged state - is on the rise. Gestión 2014 DEBATES DE CONTROL POLÍTICO 2010 downloads (actual) 10.9 billion The % relative cost to add a simple approvalworkflow mobile app to a large enterprisetransformation effort. ... within increasing management needs 2 The Volume of Mobile Apps will grow ... ... of all SAP customersplan a mobile effort, but ... 80% * source: IDC mobile app survey (2010) Zombification For more information on planning and readiness for mobile and cloud computing visit Our complimentary SAP Experts briefing on data governance for mobile computing may be found at (login required). 2014 downloads (estimated) 76.9 billion * informal crowd poll of 40 SAP customersbased on $US 1-5 Million enterprisetransformation effort size (services only). * source: SAP BusinessObjects User Conference (2012) 30% 3 ... of all organizationshave a mobile strategy. Mucho antes de iniciarse la legislatura iniciamos un camino que implicó acercamientos a la ciudadanía en todo el territorio colombiano. El presente informe hace énfasis en la labor llevada a cabo en Sucre y Risaralda 25 6 The % increase in program funding likelihoodif mobile applications are included in alarge enterprise transformation effort. The % increase in program funding likelihoodif mobile applications are included in alarge enterprise transformation effort. CONSTANCIAS EN PLENARIA DE SENADO Que dieron cuenta de la problemática percibida en los recorridos por el país; y recogieron el sentir de los colombianos, la corrupción y en general la ausencia de Estado.
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