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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Main Animal AdaptionsThe two types of adaptive techniques is Hibernation-A method of surviving winter in which animals go into a long sleep-like state, preserving energy and needing a reduction of little food at a time.The other method being hoarding of food in the previous seasons of fall and summer. Decomposition of large quantities of food (nuts, seeds, bugs) would not occur because of low temperatures. This is endeavoured by creatures that find food deficient.Main bird AdaptionsCertain birds of prey can endure this biome's winter. Still, 60-70 percent of the population of birds migrate, which means to annually move from one area or climatic region of the world to another. What is a biome?It is a geographical area of extraordinary fauna and florawhich has adapted to its environment. The climate, temperature and geographical location inclines on whether a specific biome exists in a certain area. Deciduous forest description Deciduous forest description The soil type in temperate deciduous forests is brown fertile earth. The layers of fallen and decomposed leaves strengthen the soil with nutrients. Deciduous forests are characterised by their broad-leafed, leaf-discarding trees. The word temperate in temperate deciduous forest gets its meaning from ''not extreme'' MAIN PLANT-LIFE ADAPTIONSPlants soak up nutrients from the soil and use photosynthesis to create food for themselves and other organisms. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants turn carbon dioxide, water and sunlight into a form of glucose.In Summer....Trees interrupt their water supply by removing it from its leaves. This withdraws green pigmentation from leaves creating warm colours.In Winter....Trees conserve water to keep their strength up in order to remove their leaves and protect the areas of which the leaves have fallen off. Any food materials are transferred to the trunk and energy avoids returning to dead leaves.In Spring...As the temperature increases, it indicates a new cycle to the plant life. TropicsThis Way Annual rainfall and temperaturefor Temperate Deciduous forest The Temperate Deciduous forest biome is the second rainiest biome after Tropical Rainforest. A low latitude of 23 degrees north and 38 degrees south creates a consistent precipitation amount of 75-150cm. In winter it comes in the form of snow or ice while in summer a hot \precipitation means rain. This doesn't remain yearly, seasons can change and become wetter than others. The temperate forest biome is ranked the second rainiest biome in the world after the Tropical Rainforest. With a low latitude of 23 degrees north and thirty eight degrees south; precipitation being consistent throughout the year comes to 75-150cm of rainfall. In winter precipitation comes in the form of ice or snow and in summer, as rain. Four to six months are frost free, with temperatures that can drop to well below freezing in winter, coming to -30 degrees. Summer's temperature is usually a mild temperature around 21 degrees. Seasons last around 3 months but can stretch on for longer. Human impact on Deciduous forest There is always news of the catastrophes of the Temperate Deciduous forest. Forest fragmentation occurs when little forest is left, killing off species of plants in this biome. Logging reduces variety to plants, as the larger trees are used for timber, paper and plastic products. Diversity helps plants to remain healthy and enables them to fight disease which becomes limited after logging. Deforestation refers to stripping the land of trees for constructional purposes and is the most negatively effect on this biome. Animals can become endangered with little habitual availability, leave for another biome only to struggle and eventually die. 10% of the world's tree species are endangered due to the cause of deforestation. Fossil fuel burning production causes pollution. When carnivorous animals are small, shoot-grazing animals such as deer overpopulate, sometimes destroying the chance for the forest to regenerate. More greenhouse gases leads to unwanted climate change. Erosion and drainage can occur which weakens the environment. There are many more issues that are always occurring in the Temperate Deciduous forest, but the most negatively effective one is deforestation. Related to the Taiga biome, with a thin canopy that permits heat and light to seep through. This allows cold-blooded animals such as snakes, turtles and amphibians to survive. Easter Island affected by deforestation Throughout Easter Island's history of resource creating, famine, agricultural expansion and then failure and multiple population expansions created almost complete deforestation on the island. Once a bountiful deciduous forest, became smaller through introduction of invasive species of birds such as heron and parrots, which ate too much and was not popular for hunting. Due to chemicals being released through production of resources, rainfall fell, leading to less vegetation. When famine and over-harvesting broke out, diversity of plants became fewer. People tried to invite an agricultural side to things, but war took its mark, causing more damage to the land. This lead to large amounts of soil erosion and no furthermore usage of land. With the few deciduous trees it has left, it has become the Easter Island we know as today. Climate Characteristics
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