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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 In both rebellions, the mass of people moved against the king and the citizens of high status because of the unfair power that they held over the lesser subjects In both rebellions, the mass of people moved against the king and the citizens of high status because of the unfair power that they held over the lesser subjects The French Revolution AND The Glorious Revolution The French Revolution AND The Glorious Revolution The Third Estate, or the least powerful of all of the classes of France, led this movement. Some of the members of Parliament, which includes some of the highest rated people, as well as the Dutch worked together to get rid of King James II and his thirst for overarching power. Organized mainly by William III ofOrange, who organized his Dutcharmies for the invasion. It did nottake long for them to emergevictorious, for King James and hisarmies did not put up much of afight.There were very few deaths,and the King left rather peacefully. Organized by the Third Estatethemselves, who spread the wordthrough rallies and public riots,resulting in the destruction of buildingsand lives. Much blood was shed inorder for their words to be heard,resultingin mass murder of the Frenchpeople, including King Louis XVI. BOTH Revolutions resulted in achange in government, driftingaway from absolute monarchy. Napoleon introduced Enlightened Despotism,a fromof dictatorship that gave more power to the people. This worked for France at the time because the people gained more power, but did not loose the familiarity that a leader offered. English=King tried to control their religion French=People could not get a say in almost anything Resulted in the Modern EnglishParliamentary Democracy, but it began with a joint monarchy between Williamand his wife. However, he still had a parliament that spoke for the people, giving them more say, which is what theywanted all along.
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