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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Revolt! French Revolution Haitian Revolution In the late 1800's:98% of the French Population were peasants (also known as the third estate),and the high taxesmade the peasants suffer.The French People tried to bring this up in a large governmentalmeeting (also known as theEstates General) where every social class is recognized,however with an unfairvoting system, none of the issues were able to be resolved. On June 17th, 1789,the Representatives of the Third Estate were locked out of the meeting hall, andmet separately, calling themselvesthe National Assembly, and made an oath to achieveconstitutional reform. This oath is known as the Tennis Court Oath In a fit of rage about the outcome of the Estates General, a mob of third estate members launched an attack on the Bastille in Paris to secure weaponry.This is considered to be the startof the French Revolution.The Revolution was unplanned, and the only leaders of the Revolution were the people who made the Tennis Court Oath. These people took over government buildingsand property of the 1st and 2nd Estate ,and killed members of those estates and government officials.The King and governmentwere relentless and ungiving, and the war only ended when the King was captured while trying to escape France with the Queen. The King wassentenced to death, which marked the end of theFrench Revolution French Population:Red is Third Estate (Peasants)Yellow is Second Estate (Nobility)Blue is First Estate (Church) Fun Fact:The Tennis Court Oath is called that because the 3rd Estate representatives Important Figures of the French Revoltuion:King Louis XVIMarie AntoinetteJacques NeckerMaximilien RobspierreNapoleon Bonaparte In May 1791, the French Government agreed to grant citizenship to wealthy emancipated slaves, but European colonists refused to recognize them as citizens, which caused fighting and violence to erupt between the enslaved andthe Europeans. This Revolution was not planned, and basically started froma fit of rage. To try to stop the bloodshed, the French government gave citizenship to all emancipated slaves. In the late 1700's,The colony of Saint- Domingo.was mostly Enslaved by the French Population.A racist society, the cruelty HaitianSlaves faced, and the FrenchRevolution urged rebellion. In the center of the rebellion,there were either Haitian Slaves, a person with a mixed ethnicity, French colonists, and the French and British Armies. The alliancesswitch periodically during this time. In 1793 Léger Félicité Sonthonax was sent to the French Colony to try to reestablish peace,and he managed to abolish slavery, and not soon afterthe French government recognized his decision. Later Toussaint Louverture becamea general in the fight for Haitian Independence, and he almost completelywiped out the French army. However he was captured and imprisoned, and died in Prison. However, even without their general, The Haitian Troops defeated the French Troops, whowere being led byNapoleon Bonaparte. Unlike the French Revolutions,there was less demonstrations of freedom, and i the beginning it was mostly the enslaved takingrevenge on the people who mistreated them. Similarities Both Revolutions had the French Government on both sides.They also both started by one side with less political popularity's anger to boil over. As a result, both Revolutions began with the people taking revenge on the people who abused them by using extreme violence. Melanie Allen
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