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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Freedom of Expression in Schools Freedom of speech and expression is garunteed by the US constitution. Freedom of Expression for Teachers This includes: Verbal expression Written expression Symbolic expression (clothing and tokens) In the classroom, teachers walks a fine line. As publicly funded officials, teachers are legally obligated to refrain from expression-- verbal, written, or symbolic -- that is offensive or disrupts the learning process. This also includes the obligation use ethical speech. In the case of Stroman v. Colleton County School District, 1992, John Stroman was fired for encouraging colleagues to lie about being sick as a form of protest. The courts ruled that Stroman's dismissal was fair on the grounds that encouraging lying, especially in a school environment, is unprofessional and morally wrong. However, outside of classrooms, teachers are entitled to a greater degree of freedom of speech In the case of Pickering v. Board of Education, 1968, the courts ruled that it is unconstitutional to fire a teacher forpublicly criticizing the school board. Most cases have rule in favor of the teacher as long as they did not disturb the educational process for their students Freedom of Expression for Students The most important case regarding freedom of expression for students is Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, 1969 The Tinker case delt with three students who were suspended for wearing armbands to protest the Vietnam War. The suspension was overturned by the U.S. Supereme court Since then, Tinker v. Des Moines has been cited many times and serves as an important precedent for nearly all freedom of expression cases in schools In general, most student cases of expression are supported by the courts unless it directly interferes with education
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