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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Footpath to Freedom Footpath to Freedom By: Mackenzie Kanach By: Mackenzie Kanach In 1765, King George III began taxing colonists on all paper goods. Colonistswere enraged. They were angered before,when the king placed the Quartering Act onthem, but this was more. King George III hadnot been taxing the colonists until that point,and they weren't about to let him ruin the freedom they had had. They revolted and the act was repealed in 1766. The Stamp Act of 1765 The Stamp Act of 1765 This way to freedom! This way to freedom! The Townshend Act of 1767 The Townshend Act of 1767 In 1767, Parliament passed theTownshend Act, started by CharlesTownshend. It put a tax on many things,such as lead, paper, paint, glass, andtea. This infuriated the colonistsbecause they drank tea on a dailybasis. This made tea very expensive.Colonists were mad, and thus, started the Sons of Liberty, who were a group of men who didn't wantKing George III ruling the colonies.The act was later repealed, but thetax on tea remained. The Boston Tea Party (1773) The Boston Tea Party (1773) The Sons of Liberty were rebels. One night, in 1773, about 50 of their men dressed up like Indiansand headed for the Boston Harbor.In the harbor lie ships, some withmillions of dollars (in today's U.S.currency) worth of tea. They sneaked onto the ships and dumped342 crates of tea into the water.This resulted in problems betweenEngland and the colonies, makingtensions even higher than before. The Boston Massacre (1770) The Boston Massacre (1770) On March 5, a dispute broke out.In Boston, some people were mockinga British soldier. He got upset, andeventually, it was a big argument. However,after snowballs were thrown and someonewas hit with a stick, things turned ugly.One British soldier mistakenly fired intothe crowd. At the end of it, five American colonists were killed. This really fired up the Americans. Sam Adams and Paul Reverecreated propaganda after this, which helped gain them many more patriots. Lexington and Concord (1775) Lexington and Concord (1775) Paul Revere and William Dawes had a special mission one April night. They had to delivera very important message to Sam Adams, John Hancock, and the colonists at Concord.Adams and Hancock were both in Lexington,hiding with a very important document in their possession. If they were found by the British, they would be hanged for treason.Revere rode to them with Dawes and told them the redcoats would be there soon.Next, they rode to Concord. On their way,they met Samuel Prescott. Soon, they ran into the redcoats. They captured Revere,while Dawes rode off and Prescott went onto Concord. The redcoats left Revere to go to Lexington. When they got there, the colonistswere ready to fight. They drove the redcoats out.They, then, fought the rebels on Lexington green and left. The American Revolution had began.The redcoats marched to Concord, where theysoon retreated, only to have the colonists follow them.
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