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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Treatment for Pet + Treatment for Pets Environment + Patience = SUCCESSFUL FLEA CONTROL Host Vacant Houses If you need to go on holiday after the treatment, ask someone to stomp around the house while youre gone. Sounds like a queer request to make, but doing this will hatch the fleas and kill them on the treated surfaces before you return. After treatment, contrary to your initial impulse, keep your pet in the area. Otherwise, you become the potential host. The fleas also need to be lured out so that they will be exposed to the treatment. Re-treat your pet as necessary. On Your Pet Indoors For every flea on your pet, there may be hundreds waiting to hatch! This is because insecticides cannot penetrate the flea pupal case. Flea pupae hatch only when they sense the presence of a host: Body Warmth, Movement in theenvironment, and Humidity Expect to see an increase in flea activity over several weeks. This is to be expected and all to the good as this means the treatment is working. The fleas will be lured out, exposed to the treatment and die in a few hours. ASAP Dont wait for more fleas. Treat your pet right away at the first sign of fleas. Consult your veterinarian. You may use special flea soap or shampoo. Fleas lay eggs on the pet when the host is resting. The white eggs fall off the pet onto the carpet, or soil. Small blind larvae emerge from the eggs. These larvae move away from the light, burrowing down into the carpet, cracks in floorboards or into the soil. They feed on protein, such as flea droppings. They moult three times before forming a pupa. The pupa is sticky, so it binds its surrounds to itself, becoming invisible. Flea Pupae double click to change this title text! FLEAS Treat all areas frequented by your pet. Make sure to clear the floor of toys or clothes. Remove pets during the treatment. Entering vacant houses, especially rental and holiday houses, will hatch any waiting dormant fleas. A flea may be ready to hatch from the pupa about 7-14 days after it is formed, however they can remain dormant for up to 18 months. Flea pupae hatch only when they sense the presence of a host: body warmth, movement in their environment, and humidity. After feeding on the host, the engorged female flea is ready to mate and lay eggs within 24 hours. She is capable of laying up to 27 eggs per day. Stay Patience Bond Cleaning AustraliaPest Control - 1300 766 103
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