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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Coach's Role The Female Athlete Triad Disordered Eating "Disordered eating" is a term that includes thefull spectrum of abnormal eating behaviors, ranging from simple dieting to clinical eating disorders. It is very common for athletes to willfully restrict their caloric intake for thepurpose of becoming thinner or leaner. This affects more athletes in sports that emphasizea thin size or shape and/or a low weight, but no sports are exempt. Runners 79% 25% 12% Amenhorrea General Population Aesthetic Sports The three components of the triad, in order of theirappearance, are disordered eating, amenhorrea, andosteoporsis. Swimmers Identifying the Components Osteoperosis With the prevalence of menstrual irregularities, a decrease in bone mineral density is common infemale athletes. Some young athletes may be missing a key bone development period during whichparticipation in sports cannot compensate for other factorsassociated with bone mineral accumulation. If menstrualdysfunction is persistent, they are at high risk of prematureosteoporosis. Coaches play a prominent role in an athlete's life choices.They are in an ideal position to identify "at-risk" or symptomaticstudent-athletes because they spend a great amount of timewith their athletes and have opportunities to observe them in manycircumstances, including team meetings, practices, competitionsand road trips. They are there to guide and train their athletes in a direction that helps them succeed. Amenhorrea is the loss of mensturation. Low energyavailability or energy deficiency disrupts the reproductivesystem in otherwise healthy active girls and women. When it comes to aesthetic sports, the prevalence rises drastically. 5%
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