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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 First Chemical Warfare Cl2 Effects Effects Effects Effects Date Use 1914France uses Tear Gas grenades against Germans. Though irritating, the Germans were still able to fight. 1915Used by Germans in Ypres and by British forces for the first time at loos in September. Date Use Date Use Date Use -Reacts with water in the lungs.-Forms hydrochloric acid. -This causes coughing,vomiting, and death athigh concentration. -Reacts to proteins in the lungs,causing suffocation. -Can also kill a person after being inhaled, due to fluid in lungs. -This can happen up to 48 hours later. 1915Used by Germans in Ypres against the British. Fatalities Fatalities Fatalities Fatalities 0:This chemical was meant to incapacitate, not kill. 5,000+:British troops were not prepared for the attack, and not equipped with gas masks at the battle of Ypres. After the battle, all troops were equipped with gas masks. 25,000+:This was the estimated casualty count from the percent of gas related deaths in World War 1. -A irritant and blistering agent. -Mustard gas can damage eyes skin and the respiratory track. -Causes chemical burns in contact with skin. -Creates intermediates which attacks DNA, leading to cell loss. 1917German forces used mustard gas on British troops at the battle of Ypres, on July 12th, 1917. 60,000:Though mustard gas wasn't as lethal as Phosgene, the after effects stuck with the victim. Many soldiers exposed had to be bed ridden for many years. References(2014). Chemical Warfare: Poison Gases in World War 1. Compound Interest.(2014). Poison Gas and World War One. History Learning Site.Duffy, M. (2009). Weapons of War - Poison Gas. (2013). Facts About Phosgene. Center for Disease Control. Tear Gas Chlorine Phosgene Mustard Gas 91,000+ Troops Deaths -Made of lachrymatory agents.-These irritate mucous membranes in the eyes, mouth, throat and lungs.-Difficult for the victim to see, breath, or talk. ChlorinePhosgeneMustard Gas
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