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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Tell Tale Brain The Tell Tale Brain Phantom Limbs Phantom Limbs Phantom limbs are limbs thatare not present, however the patient believes that they are still present. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. What different ways do people feel their phantom limbs? Some patients feel the doctoris touching their amputatedlimb on a different part of theirbody. The doctor was able tomap out the patient's arm ontheir face. Although the arm isno longer present, the patient'sbrain still has the arm mappedout. This may be because the nervefibers of the facial skin cortex sprout neural tendrils that createsnew synapses. Therefore, the touchsignals not only activate the face map, but tells the brain that thephantom arm is being touched aswell. On a different note, some patientshave a vivid sense that they are moving their phantom limbs, while others feel that the limb isin an extremely uncomfortableposition. They believe their limbsare in an uncomfortable positionbecause their sensory-motorconnections are still intact. Beforetheir limb was amputated, the peripheral nerve was injured,therefore the patient feels a constantpain. Where is this pain found? One of the most useful treatmentsfor phantom limbs involves a mirror.With the mirror, patients can use theparallel body part in order to see theirlimb as if it is actually there. At firstsight, the patient believes it is as iftheir limb is back, but with time they realize that their arm isn't there. Thisends not only any pain but the beliefthat they still have their limb. Seeing and Knowing Seeing and Knowing Final Questions Do people in the Boston Marathon feel this, or do they not becauseknowledge of the problem is so advanced? Does this cause disordersbecause their mind is confused over the amputated limb? The Pathways for vision goes from the retinato the superior colliculus to the parietal lobes By: R.V. Ramanfiodsaf There are 3 different pathways for thebrain: "how" "what" and "so what" The "how" stream involves spacial awareness The "what"stream recognizes objects The "so what" stream stimulates other body parts to animate motion The Tell Tale Brain There are only 3 classes of color-sensative cells Often, if you look at two rows of circles,depending on the light one row looksraised and the other appears to beconcave. This is merely a trick of the light. Order matters to youreyes, eyes will take inkblots and create an image Final Questions Do our experiences effect how we see images such as ink blots? Is there any way for humans to gain naturalnight-vision? The Power of Babble The Power of Babble There are 3 aspects of language Lexicon (language)Semantics (what words mean)Syntax (sentence structure) Ideas of Evolution of Language 1. God put it into our minds2. Random selection3. It evolved for thinking4. It is instinct Final Questions How illiterate would someone be if they did not have one of the 3 aspects of language? Beauty and the Brain Beauty and the Brain Aesthetics: critical view of art Creating images out of splotches"solving a problem" Law of Grouping Law of Peak Shift How the brain respondsto exaggerated stimuli Final Questions Depending on the level ofintelligence, will other minds react with greaterenthusiasm than others? An Ape With A Soul An Ape With A Soul Introspection is how a person views themselves There are 7 parts:unity (the body working as a unit)continuity (maintaining identity)embodiment (handling the setting the body is in)privacy (handling emotions)social embedding (being able to share yourself)free will (ability to make important decisions)self awareness (knowing one's place in the world) Cassi Kacoyannakis
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