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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 CATEGORIZE Meaningful and Efficient Feedback: Crystalize, Categorize, Type, and Review Before you look at any work,reread the assignmentrequirements and goals. Be sure that you take time toclearly articulate, in writing,exactly what the expectationsare. If you are unsure goinginto grading, your grading willtake longer and yourcomments will be unfocusedand not as helpful. Quickly look over eachprojects/assignments, and putthem into stacks of A/B, C, D/Fbased on your initial impressions. TYPE Identify Patterns: Once yousee a pattern in a studentsproject, stopediting/correcting theproblem. Make one overallcomment to add to the finalpiece of feedback. If andwhen you see other studentsmaking the same error, youcan simply paste your onecomment for all who apply. REVIEW Before you copy and paste your final comments to each student, check that your comments: CRYSTALIZE ADVISE: Students should be able to improve future work from your suggestions, warning of pitfalls, and resources. RELATE: Students should be able to directly see their abilities gauged in terms of project/assignment expectations and goals. REVEAL: Students should get asense of their letter grade fromthe comments. Prioritize: If a student makes multiple errors, you do not need to address every error. Likely a student cannot learn how to correct multiple errors in one project, but instead, focus on the three mostimportant errors that may greatly improve the quality of their next project. References/Resources:Efficient, Effective Grading, UHEfficient Grading and Feedback, AAUErrors vs Mistakes, CMIGrading Tips, BUSome Guidelines for Commenting on and Grading Students Written Work in Any Discipline, UMUCTips on Grading Efficiently, UCB
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