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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 start from scratch[clears the canvas] French Rev. v Mexican Rev. Reasons for revolt:High TaxesBourgeoisie were excluded from political powerPeasants disliked their poor statePolitical reform philosophiesGovt. is Bankrupt Reasons for revolt:-High Taxes-Bourgeoisie were excluded from political power-Peasants disliked their poor state-Political reform philosophies-Govt. is Bankrupt 1787-1799 Citizens stormed the Bastille After the revolution a republic emerged before Napoleons rule After the revolution a republic emerged before Napoleons rule King ought against the rebellion King ought against the rebellion "We swear never to separate ourselves from the National Assembly, and to reassemble wherever circumstances require, until the constitution of the realm is drawn up and fixed upon solid foundations"-tennis court oath French Citizens v French Govt.(King) Criollos & Mestizos v Spaish Govt. 1810-1821 -Criollos & Mestizos revolted against Spanish Govt. to gain independence-Mexicans revolted to stop colonial rule and end racial inequality-Father Miguel Hidalgo gave the "Grito de Delores" in 1810 to rally everyone in a cry for independence against colonial rule-Hidalgo journeyed village to village with a militia to attempt to reach Mexico city, before he was exectuted-The Spaniards put up a great fight though in 1821 Treaty of Córdoba established Mexico an independent country Due to Napoleons Conquering of Mexico inspiration to revolt swam through the minds of many After the revoltion a republic was established "Long Live Our Lady of Guadalupe, Long Live Independence."-Grito de Delores MEX REV= 2000 deathsFRENCH REV=40000 deaths People of 3rd Estate revolted against 1st and 2nd estates and the KingRevolt was planned in the minds of citizens for a long time because of enlightenment thinkingThough it spontaneously started with the Tennis Court Oath at the EstatesGeneral meeting People of 3rd Estate revolted against 1st and 2nd estates and the KingRevolt was planned in the minds of citizens for a long time because of enlightenment thinkingThough it spontaneously started with the Tennis Court Oath at the Estates-General meeting Interesting Fact: Cinco de Mayo is the celebration of the Mexican Army's victory over France a the Battle of puebla
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