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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 FLU VACCINES ARE AFFORDABLE--OR FREE! FLU AND Y-O-U! Vicki Krcha, RN Wesley Nurse; FUMC-Kingsville; 361-592-3786 Getting sick is a drag FLU IS SPREAD EASILY EVEN YOU CANGET THE FLU FLU IS SERIOUS BEST PREVENTION:VACCINE! Flu is not the same as a cold. Every year, healthy young people become severely sick from the flu and some even die. Someone sickwith the flu can also pass it to others. Hand washing is important but the best way to prevent the flu is to get vaccinated every year. Most insurance plans cover the cost of flu vaccine. Get vaccinated at the student health center, localhealth department, at your primary care provider, local pharmacy or area free flu clinics. Being in close contact like dorms, classrooms, parties, sporting events, public transportation, and cafeterias makes flu easy to spread oncollege campuses The lifestyle of a student puts you ata unique risk. Lack of sleep, poor diet, stress, and irregular exercise weakens your immune system and makes you more susceptible to flu. description here 31% description here description here description here description here description here description here description here description here description here 13% 44% 32% 19% 7% 51 22% 14% Most people who get the flu are sick for over a week. That's more than 7 days without class, social functions, and work. You simply can't afford to get sick.
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