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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Monterey Bay Community Power will supply cleaner electricity to homes and businesses. PG&E continues to do the billing, turns on and off power when you move, maintains the power lines and resolves outages. Does Monterey Bay Community Power replace PG&E? Yes. If you don’t want to participate in Monterey Bay Community Power, you canopt out of the program and continue to receive power from PG&E. Can I opt out? When there is a power outage will PG&E fix our lines? Monterey Bay Community Power (MCBP) is a not-for-profit agency, independently run by the participating cities and counties of Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito. MCBP will be the new, locally-run electricity provider in Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito counties. We will provide you with the option of using cleaner power at a competitive price from sources like solar, wind, geothermal and hydropower. What is Monterey Bay Community Power? Local Choice Clean EnergyEconomic Vitality Our local partners Absolutely. PG&E will continue to provide the same level of service to Monterey Bay Community Power customers as they provide to their other customers. Will my electricity rates go up? The goal of a local CCA is to provide more clean energy for the same price as PG&E (rate parity). CCAs buy their own energy mix and set their own electricity rate Is there an economic benefit to having a CCA in the local region? Yes. CCAs alllow a local region to capture the electrical energy reveue that has been going out of the area to PG&E. CCAs may then redirect a portion of their surplus revenue (formerly PG&E profit) to fund local renewableenergy projects and energy effciency programs. This is a new source of local revenue that will generate new jobs.
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