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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Provide a summary of consumers reviews70% of consumers read product reviews before buying Always propose alternatives:Provide option to directly add suggested alternative to cart Let customers buy when they are readyCustomers visit buwsiness websites on an average 6 times during their purchase process 70% of cart abandonment happens before checkout $ 11.56In stockFree two day shipping Indicate clearly:1.Price and discount2.Stock status3.Shipping cost,options and delivery time ADD TO CART Provide as many photos and videos as your customer needs. ADD TO WISHLIST 57% of online customers will abandon website after waiting 3 seconds for the page to load. Source: Forrester search CUSTOMER REVIEW VISIBILITY 1. Review segregation based on certified customers and others.2. Reviews marked as "MOST HELPFUL" by website visitors/customers.3. Rating based segregation of reviews. 1.QUICKEST PATH TO CHECK OUT. 2.PROVIDE POSSIBILITY OF ADDING PRODUCTS TILL THE PAYMENT SUBMISSION POINT 3.ESTABLISH PRIORITY CHANNELS FOR PAYMENT GATEWAYS. 4.VISUALLY REINFORCE SECURITY OF PAYMENT GATEWAYS TO CUSTOMERS. Let customers add items easily to their cart via desktop,smartphone or tablet.Have multiple visual platforms. 72% of tablet owners make purchase from their tablets on a weekly basis. REMARKETING: POST-ABANDONMENT STRATEGIES 38% BRANDS SEND A SECOND CART ABANDON CART MESSAGE CONTENT:1.Simple reminder email which is personalized.2.Progressive urgency(Your cart is about to expire).3.Offer availaible to selected products. SOURCE:FIRECLICK Source: Listrack The right time to send e-mails is 45 minutes post abandonmentRemamber 63% of the carts can be captured within first 48 hours Source: Bronto summit 2014
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