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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Eugene Lazowki -Dr. Eugene Lazowski was a Polish medical doctor who saved thousands of Jews during the Holocaust, He was also a soldier in the Polish Army -During the holocaust a lot of the horrors were caused by the doctors. -Auschwitz Professor Carl Clauberg injected chemical substances into wombs of thousands of Jewish and Gypsy women. They were sterilized by the injections, producing horrible pain, and bleeding. Born 1913 Died 2006 -He used medical science to deceive the Germans and save both Jews from deportation to the Nazi concentration camp -Eugene lived next to a Jewish ghetto in Rozwadow, The Jews needed medical attention, so he arranged a system. Were he could help Jewish families without getting caught - If any Jews needed his help, they were to hang a white piece of cloth on his back fence, where he would help them in the safety of the night. Every night the white cloth would fly; lines formed waiting for his help. He aided anyone who needed help, creating a system of faking his medicinal inventory to conceal his help of Jews. -When Eugene and his friend created a fake epidemic to help Jewish people who were in need they managed to save 8,000 people from concentration camps or labor camps. -To help any Jewish person in any way was punishable by death despite him knowing he still helped Jewish people and every night. -Eugene also spent time in a prisoner-of-war camp prior to his arrival in Rozwadow. Determined to find a way out, he started to size up the security -Towards the end of the war, Eugene left Rozwadow when a German soldier, whom he had helped several months earlier, warned him that the Germans were going to kill him. -The doctors discovered if they injected a healthy person with a "vaccine" of killed bacteria, that person would test positive to Epidemic Typhus. He needed a way to avoid going back to face death in the work camp. He injected the man with the bacteriaand sent a blood sample to the German laboratory ,the doctors received a telegraph informing them their patient had Epidemic Typhus, which prohibited the man's return to the work camp. -He repeated this process on anyone who was sick, creating an epidemic. The Germans were terrified of the disease.With each case of Typhus, the Germans would send a red telegraph a few more lives were saved. When the disease reached epidemic proportions, the Germans quarantined the area. No additional people were sent to concentration or work camps. -It looked promising for the young doctor until the Germans sent a medical inspection team into the region to verify the disease. The team, comprised of a few doctors and several armed soldiers, met Dr. Lazowski just outside the city, where a hot meal awaited the team. They started eating and drinking with the young doctor. The lead doctor was having fun drinking, and thereby sent the younger two doctors to the hospital.Fearing for their own safety, they only drew blood samples and left. Dr. Lazowski knew he had succeeded. -It looked promising for the young doctor until the Germans sent a medical inspection team into the region to verify the disease. The team, comprised of a few doctors and several armed soldiers, met Dr. Lazowski just outside the city, where a hot meal awaited the team. They started eating and drinking with the young doctor. The lead doctor was having fun drinking, and thereby sent the younger two doctors to the hospital. Fearing for their own safety, they only drew blood samples and left. Dr. Lazowski knew he had succeeded. -It looked promising for the young doctor until the Germans sent a medical inspection team into the region to verify the disease.The team, comprised of a few doctors and several armed soldiers, met Dr. Lazowski just outside the city, where a hot meal awaited the team. They started eating and drinking with the young doctor. The lead doctor was having fun drinking, and thereby sent the younger two doctors to the hospital. Fearing for their own safety, they only drew blood samples and left. Dr. Lazowski knew he had succeeded.
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