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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 DigitalSignage DigitalSignage Sensors Point ofSale Sensors Sensors can be integrated with digital signage to cue audio or visual contentas patrons approach the displays atconcerts, movie theaters, arenas, or othervenues. They can also be used as a way for customers to receive alerts on theirmobile devices regarding food andbeverage locations at ballparksor concerts, as well as information onexhibits at museums or movie trailersat the theaters. Kiosks Entertainment Venues the benefits of Connecting Devices Placing facial recognition sensorsor traffic countingsensors on digital signageallows management togain valuable insight on therate of engagementcustomers have with theirdigital signage. It also allowsthem to track which contentattracts the most desirableresponses. in Sensors Kiosks Add digital signage to kiosks for increasedrevenue through sales of advertisementsand increased awareness of eventpromotions. Signage can also be addedto food/drink vending kiosks to playcontent for entertainment purposes.This keeps customers happy as theywait for their food or beverage to beprepared by the kiosk. Additionally,signage on phone charging kioskscan display game footage andscores at sporting events or feature movietrailers at the theaters'ticket-dispensing kiosks. Kiosks People-counting sensorscan be connectedto point of sale systems totrack customerflow. Analyzing customer flow canimprove staffing efficiencyand inventory management ofconcessions and/orsouvenirs. Other sensors canbe used to capture demographicsthat are analyzed and storedby the POS software to helpmanagement create morepersonalized, enjoyable experiences. Connecting kiosks to your point ofsale can provide information forcustomers about ticket pricing andavailability as well as any additionalinformation they may require.For managers, the informationcan help to gauge consumer preferencesand analyze the use ofself-serve kiosks. This helps managementstock concession stands orvending kiosks according toconsumer preference, leading toincreased sales and efficientuse of labor. Sensors can be used on kiosksto monitor customer usage ofATMs and food/drink preparationmachines. These sensors can alsohelp gauge customer reaction and collect data on the demographicsof the patrons who interact withthe various types of kiosks foundat entertainment venues. Beaconscan be integrated with kiosks atlarger venues to alert patrons thatthey are near a kiosk that providesfood, information, or additionalentertainment. POS TheNetwork Connecting your point of salesystem to the network allowssuppliers and manufacturers toview information on consumer behavior and inventory levels atconcession stands or souvenirshops. Connecting kiosks to the Internet allowspatrons to share photos from eventson social media at photobooths orconnect with other players at gamingkiosks. There is also potential fornetwork-connected kiosks to helpguests book events on venue websites. TheNetwork For more information on industry trends, technology, and the services that we provide, visit our site at: Or find us on LinkedIn and on Twitter @Worldlinkintegr
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