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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 ITEM NO. 004 Elon Musk LOGO HERE Who is he? ITEM NO. 003 ITEM NO. 005 description here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipsicsing elit description here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipsicsing elit description here description here description here description here description here 13% 44% 32% 19% 7% WEIGHT GAIN STRATEGY SpaceX Binnacle, Equipements ... 130 HP Zip2 1964's Porsche 911 performances against 2012's 911 345 HP If you make something people want, they'll pay you for it Carbon Fiber 15L/100 kms 6,7L/100 kms · Idea was to make a really convenient site that combined people's financial needs into one seamless, easy-to-use location · Has ability to send money and securities from one customer to the next · Adjusted focus towards the direction of creating a great payment system· eBay bought PayPal for $1.5 billion in 2002 New ways of using flywheels to improveperformances or reduce fuel consumptions. Tesla Motors · Company that designs, manufactures, and sells electric cars and electric vehicle powertrain components With more than 28 000 victories inChampionships, including 16 victoriesof the 24 Hrs of Le Mans, Porschehas a long story in competition.The slogan for victory : gain weight at any price. SloarCity Delivers 163 extra HPs during 6 to 8 seconds PayPal · Predated PayPal· Idea was just to do something useful on the Internet that other companies would find useful and would pay us at least enough to keep the doors open· Helped newspapers get online and create compelling websites· Evolved into payPal Advice Aluminium USE OF LIGHTERMATERIALS Titanium 4E1 2012 Clement PORTALES · Is a space transport services company· Elon wanted to do more with his wealth than just retire or do philanthropy, and cheap reliable access to space was a market opportunity that could be exploited in the United States. · His vision was to build a simple and relatively inexpensive reusable rocket that would go into space multiple times The RS versions, made lighter for better performances, can gain up to 100 kgs from the original version Spend very little money. Dont spend more than you are sure you have Be open to change
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