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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 - successfully weakened the monarchy's internal enemies- made nobles less powerful - supported the arts and literature by founding schools, like the French Academy.- helped France become the leading power in Europe- rebuilt the Sorbonne in Paris- strengthened France's economy by promoting the manufacture of luxury goods LAIKA LNIJA LAIKA LĪNIJA 1616 was named Secretary of State 1622 was ordained cardinal by Pope Gregory XV 1622 rebuilt the Sorbonne in Paris 1628 defeats the Huguenot rebellion 16351642 founded the French Academy Cardinal Richelieu dies from sickness WORKS CITED 1606 became the bishop of Luçon 1. "Accomplishments and Work Experience - Cardinal Richelieu." Accomplishments and Work Experience - Cardinal Richelieu. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.2. "CASTRES TOURIST OFFICE." CASTRES TOURIST OFFICE. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.3. Chew, Robin. "Cardinal Richelieu." Cardinal Richelieu | Prime Minister of France. N.p., Sept. 1995. Web. 15 Oct. 2014. 1861. gad Kalju iela 1861. gadā Kalēju iela 1966.gad Drtas iela 1966.gadā Dārtas iela 1885. gad Dorotjas iela 1885. gadā Dorotējas iela 1986.gadāEduarda Smiļa iela 1986.gadāEduarda Smiļģa iela Eduards Smiļģis bija slavens latviešu aktieris un režisors.Par godu viņa 100 dzimšanas dienai,viņa vārdā tika nosaukta iela,kurā viņš nodzīvoja gandrīz visu savu mūžu.Mūsdienās Eduarda Smiļģa iela ir bagātīgs Āgenskalna kultūras mantojums,kur var nobaudīt Smiļģa beķerejas pašceptās maizītes,sajust veco arhitektūru burvību un apmeklēt Smiļģa muzeju. Avoti:ļģis%20Eduards/32658ļģa-iela double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. EDUARDA SMIĻA IELAS LAIKRDIS EDUARDA SMIĻĢA IELAS LAIKRĀDIS
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