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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 How a Bill Becomes Law 1st Reading: Bill is introduced to Houseand Senate. Bill is read andgiven a number. Speakerthen sends it to committee. Send to StandingCommittee: If committee dislikes it theykill the bill. If committeelikes the bill, they send it tothe House with a recommendation to pass it. After the subcommitteecompletes its work,the committee: Votes to approve the billand report the bill withamendments,Make further amendments,Or to table it/ take no moreaction on it. Rules Committee: They establish the limitsfor debate and amendmentof the bill, elements thatcan determine the outcomeof the bill. 2nd Reading: 3rd Reading: Vote on the bill: Conference Committee: If House and Senate have differences on a bill, they form aconference committee to decidethe outcome of the bill. The House and Senate then vote toapprove the common bill. What The Presidentcan choose to do: 1. Sign the bill and it becomes law.2. Veto the bill, it then returns to Congress.3. Refuse to take action: after 10 days the bill becomes law.4."Pocket Veto" Less than 10 are left in congressional term,Congress has no time to take up the bill which then kills it. Ella MilesGovernment Period 2 Speaker decides when todebate the bill. Generaldebate begins. After debate,the bill goes to the amendingphase. The House then voteson pass or fail of the bill. Scheduling of bills in theSenate is determined bythe parties majority andminority leadership. TheSenate has debate overthe bill and makesamendments if necessary.The Senate then votes topass or fail the bill. Once the bill has gonethrough the House ofOrigin, it is sent to theother chamber andrepeats steps 1-7. The House records their vote usingan electronic voting system. Eachmember inserts a personalizedcard and chooses yea, nay, or present. The Senate conducts a rollcall vote to determine if thebill passes or fails. EachSenator is asked to statealoud his/her vote on the bill.
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