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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 66,3% 73% Ivory Trade and Elephants Ivory Trade and Elephants Ivory Trade has affected many animals such as hippopotamus, walrus, narwhal, but mostly Asian and African elephants. Ivory trade is an illegal trade of animal tusks humans now use today for jewelry and piano keys. This has happened in the regions of Greenland, Siberia, and Alaska. Hunters of Ivory were responsible for wiping out the elephants 1,000years ago in North Africa. Elephant Ivory has exported from Africa and Asia Japan started to take in raw ivory which reduced forest elephants in Asia and Africa afterWorld War II. By 1970s Japan used upabout 40% of the global trade. In 1979 theelephant populationwas estimated to be 1.3 million. Throughout the decade of the 1970s, 75,000 elephants were killed annually. When poachers went hunting they would hunt a herd at a time. The elephants were shot with automatic weapons. In order to get the tusks right away,the poachers would remove them with chainsaws and axes 80% of these elephants were killed illegally and only 26 million elephantssurvived the Ivory trade, but only 1 million survive and live today Today, 2014, key countriesin the Ivory trade destroyedall or a portion of any Ivorystockpiles The UK Government hosted an Illegal Wildlife Tradethat is now impacting and saving elephants. Sources used: Wikipedia, and "Ivory Frenzy" was a word to describe the declination of theelephants population In 2012, 25,000 elephants were killed in africa Poachers and hunters have declined theelephant population since 1970s and now elephants are becoming an endangered species
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