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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Electromagnetic Spectrum Radio Waves Are the Longest Waves.The Wave Lengths can be up to 100m Long.Radio Waves Get through the earths surface.Satellites give of radio waves that are collected by Dishes. They are also used in Radios in the car.We aslo Use radio waves for cell phones. Microwaves are 3 m long. Microwaves cannot get through the earths surface.Microwaves are used for cooking and there also usedin cell phones a little bit. Satelites also use microwaves Infrared waves are 500nm and can penetrate the earths surface. infared waves warm up the world and are produced by the sunInfrared goggles are used to see heat signitures to see in the night or to see heat. Visible Light it is 500nm long. Visible light does penetrate the earths surface. We see Visible light and it is the colors.Anything with mass gives of visible light like the sun the TVand the Earth. Ultraviolet Radiation, the wavelength is 10nm. They do penetrate the surface. They give our bodies vitamin c and essential vitamins. TheSun gives off a lot of UV rays. Flurecent light bulbs turn UV into visable light X-rays are 5nm long. they cannot penetrate the earths surface.They are used to see inside the bodybut can cuase cancer. X-rays are used to see through things like at the airport.We use xrays to also to kill tumors. Gamma rays are the most dangerous. They are 0.0001nm long. They're used to treat cancer and sterilize medical equipment. They are given off by stars and radioactive equiptment. By Sam Newman NASA's Chandra Used X-ray to view Cassiopeia A in 1999.The sent a satellite since a telescope wasnt good enough. The Diffuse X-ray Spectrometer (DXS) was a single experiment shuttle payload designed to fly on multiple missions. The primary objective of the DXS payload was to obtain measurements on the diffuse soft X-ray background radiation in the Milky Way Galaxy XMM-Newton, the X-ray Multi-Mirror Mission, is the second cornerstone of the Horizon 2000 program of the European Space Agency (ESA). XMM-Newton was launched on December 10, 1999. The Wide-field Infrared Explorer (WIRE) was a small satellite carrying a cryogenically cooled infrared telescope designed to study starburst galaxies -- vast clouds of molecular gas cradling the sites of newborn stars. Developed under NASA's Small Explorer Program, WIRE was intended to have a four-month primary mission.
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