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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 double click to change this header text! Hieroglyphics Nubian Pyramids Egyptian civilization began. 3100 BC The Nubian civilization began.2080 BC- 1640 BC Hyskos took over Egyptand ruled from 1640 BC-1570BC Pharos overthrew the Hyskos and began building The New Kingdom 1570 BC- 1075 Bc Independent Dynastys began popping up, because of attacks and a falling out of leadership.950 BC- 730 BC The Assyrians conquered Egypt671 BC Kushite royal family took control over Meroe250 BC- 150 BC Meroe was destroyedand Egypt was conquered 350 AD gm The Egyptian Kingdon developed in about 3100 BC, on the NIle River.Around the same time 600 miles away the Nubian Civilization began to develop as well, creating a the civilization of Thebes. The two kingdoms frequently traded and influenced each other greatly. Hyskos took over and pushed the Pharaohs out of Egypt. They ruled for about 70 years, until warlike rulers began to take over and restore Egypt's power. Ahhotep , followed by Kamose, and other Pharaohs began building the New Kingdom. They turned into a powerful force with a strong army, that then became great conquerors. Hatshepsut tried to take a peaceful reign and strongly influence Egyptians trading.Her son Thutmose III, was a very warlike ruler and conquered much in his reign. Often wars broke out between the Egyptians and the Hittites, until they signed a peace treaty. 1200 BC Egypt began to fall apart again. From about 950 BC 730 BC Libyan Pharaohs ruled Egypt. The Nubian Empire emerged and began to take over Egypt, after being ruled by it for1000 years. In 671 BC the Assyrians came and took control of Egypt, ending the conflict between Egypt and the Nubian empires. The Egyptian Kingdon developed in about 3100 BC, on the NIle River.Around the same time 600 miles away the Nubian Civilization began to develop as well, creating a the civilization of Thebes. The two kingdoms frequently traded and influenced each other greatly. Hyskos took over and pushed the Pharaohs out of Egypt. They ruled for about 70 years, until warlike rulers began to take over and restore Egypt's power. Ahhotep , followed by Kamose, and other Pharaohs began building the New Kingdom. They turned into a powerful force with a strong army, that then became great conquerors. Hatshepsut tried to take a peaceful reign and strongly influence Egyptians trading.Her son Thutmose III, was a very warlike ruler and conquered much in his reign. Often wars broke out between the Egyptians and the Hittites, until they signed a peace treaty. 1200 BC Egypt began to fall apart again. From about 950 BC- 730 BC Libyan Pharaohs ruled Egypt. The Nubian Empire emerged and began to take over Egypt, after being ruled by it for1000 years. In 671 BC the Assyrians came and took control of Egypt, ending the conflict between Egypt and the Nubian empires. The Egyptian and Nubian Empires Religion ruled every aspect of Egyptian life.Egyptian religion was based on polytheism (The belief in many gods). Pharaohs were the Egyptian Kings who were also gods. When the Egyptian empire fell, they left behind hieroglyphics, and the domestication of cats as well as medical procedures and surgeries. The Nubian empire followed Egyptian religion very close, due to the fact thatthey were friendly towards each other, in there beginning of history. Culturally they created many things like the Egyptians as well, pyramids, statues, and hieroglyphics. Hyksos Invaders that ruled Egypt from 1640 to 1570 B.C. New Kingdom Period after the Hyksos rulers Hatshepsut New Kingdom ruler who encouraged trade Thutmose III Warlike ruler; stepson of Hatshepsut Nubia Region of Africa bordering Egypt Ramses II Pharaoh and great builder of Egypt Kush Nubian kingdom Piankhi Kushite king who forced the Libyans out of Egypt Meroë Home and trading center of the Kush kingdom Names and terms Other Key points Israelites migrated to Egypt 1800BC Nubians were the first civilizationto carefully study astronomy, andwere known well for therepottery.
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