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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 ' ' La educacion y el trabajo desempenan un rol poco importante en sus vidas. What is? EDUCATIONAL TRENDS 1. Personal Access to Mobile Devices2. Internet Connectivity3. Use of Video for Classwork and Homework4. Mobile Devices for Schoolwork5. Using Different Tools for Different Tasks6. Paying Attention to the Digital Footprint7. An increased Interest in Online Learning8. Gaming is Growing, and the Gender Gap is Closed9. Social Media in Schools10. What Devices Belong in "The Ultimate School? 10 Major Technology Trends in Education 10 Major Technology Trends in Education What if the goal of class was for the students to actively engage in the content and participate in tangible ways in the learning process? Our experience before we flipped our class was that we spent the majority of class time at the front of the room. Students sat in nice neat rows as we taught them stuff. The Three Social Trendsin Education text! 1) Collaborating seamlessly whether at a distance or face-to-face, without technological barriers to get in the way is becoming a reality for professionals, students and educators, and will be integral to the education experience. 2) Humanizing interactions in online learning, meetings, presentations and classroom learning is an unmet need, soon to beaddressed by the many new and improved synchronous and asynchronous tools. 3) Personalizing learning experiences where learners are taking control of their learning, not relying upon institutions or companies for providing education and/or vocational development they want and need, is just beginningin 2014 the movement will continue. THE FUTURE TRENDS IN EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATIONSince 1999, EUA has been publishing the Trends reports, with a view to feeding an institutional perspective into European higher education policy discussions, and improving exchange and networking among European universities and support for them. The principal method is a questionnaire sent to European higher education institutions, which is complemented by other research methods, including focus groups, visits to universities, interviews, and questionnaires to other stakeholders. The resulting reports are designed to present reliable, longitudinal information about how the European Higher Education and Research Areas are being developed across the continent. Over time, EUAs Trends reports have become crucial sources of information and reference works for policy makers and the higher education community alike.
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