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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Savanah Thomas; Psy 490; Missy Garvin; December 1, 2014 The Impact of Educational videos and TV Shows on Infant Learning The Issue : Infants Simply Don't Understand The Issue : Infants Simply Don't Understand The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) reccomendsthat infants don't watch any media! The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) reccomendsthat infants don't watch any media! How is it Impacting the Infants? How is it Impacting the Infants? Learning Less Words - On average 6-8 fewer words for every hour of TV per day. Less Talking-Vocabulary Growth is related to the amountof time parent's speaking to them. Distracts Infants- Activites- Irregular Sleep Schedual Parents are not aware of how the Media is Affecting their Infants Parents are not aware of how the Media is Affecting their Infants Younger than two watch some form ofelectronic media By the time they are two of themare spending 2-3 hourseach day in front of a screen. of parents sayeducational videos are "very importantfor children'sintellectualdevelopment." of parents believe theirchildren learn just as muchfrom watching television asfrom being with their parents Recommendations Recommendations Independent Play Time-helps social, emotional, pysical, and cognitive growth 89.2% . Avoid exposing a young child to adult-orientedTV programs. Read and play together-unstructured playtimeis more valuable forthe developing brainthan any electronic media exposure. References (1) 1. Flat Panel Lcd Plasma Hdtv Hidef, (2) 2. The Academy of Pediatrics,2011 (3) 3.Television tv tv free (5) 5. Baby Einstein logo.svg.png, 4.Tv clip art Free Vector /4Vector, (6) 6.Toddler TV: The Best Bets for Your, (4) (6) 7.Baby Genius, (7). (8) 8.Pin by Tory on Tv shows, (9) 9.List Of TV Shows With Dinosaurs, (10) 10. American, 2013 (11). (12) 12. Here's Why You Should Consider GP, (13) 13.American,2013 (14) 14. Wartella, 2010 15.Stock Illustration - Pie Chart 50 50 per, (15) (16) 16. First Things First,2010 (17) 17. baby-silhouette-md-1.png Photo by Spa, (18) 18. Laury,2011 (19) 19. Weitzmen,2001 (18) (20) 20.Cartoon pictures of children playing Fire Truck, (21) 21. BabyCenter, 2013 (18) (18) 22.Mom with kids, MicroSoft Office Clip, (22) 23.File:RATED R.svg, (23) 90% 50%
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