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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Eating Disorders By: Timothy Tran Binge Eating, which leads toguilt Binge-Eating Disorder Bulimia Nervosa Psychological (having OCD ordepression), biological(genetics, brain sendsincorrect signals to parts ofthe body),and social-cultural(family, past events)aspect, never only aboutfood. Females are morecommon to be affected.Eating disorders typicallydevelop as a way to handlestress and anxieties. Allthree disorders are treatable. Bulimia nervosa is a disorderwhere a person will binge eat and purge immediately after. However, you do not have to purge to be diagnosedwith bulimia. You can still have bulimiaeven if you use others methods to getrid of calories (ex: fasting, excessiveexercise). The difference between bulimiaand anorexia is that people with bulimiacan still be average weight. There are 2types of bulimia disorders: purging and non-purging bulimia. People with purging self-induce vomiting, while those with non-purging fast or exercise excessively to prevent weight gain. Anorexia Nervosa A person with Anorexia Nervosa will typically diet and exercise heavily and have an intense fear ofgaining weight.This leads to being underweight by 15% or more. People with anorexia think highly ofbody weight and often havedistorted perspectives on weight and self-image. Anorexic people tend to associate thinness with self-confidence. Anorexia also has the highest death rate. Anorexic people tend to have low, bodytemperature, blood pressure, and heart rate. People affectedby anorexia typically are afraidto eat in front of othersand will try to cover up their bodies. Binge-eating disorder is defined by the uncontrollable desire to eat copious amounts of food, but is not followed by purging like Bulimia is. Binge-eating startsoften after a major diet has occurred. Binge-eaters willeat long after they're full. They could also find them- selves stuffing food into their mouths so fast that they could barely register what they're actually eating. Binge-eaters also have no desire to burn off or get rid of the calories they eat. They simply eat and eat. Binge-eating leads to weight gain and obesity along with a lot of self-loathing. Purging,Excessiveexercising. Cancause othercomplicationssuch as dehy-dration (due topurging). Some who recover fromanorexia develop an addiction to binge-eating.
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