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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Native Vermonter, Eamon O'Shea, grew up building typical kid structures: tree forts and clubhouses. He later gained the technical skills that his love forcarpentry and design needed to flourish when his building-tech teacher took Eamon under his wing during a summer internship. . Always in search of adventure, Eamon put art school on the back burner to chase the snowboarding season out west for the next few years. He would return to to the east coast during the summer months where he lived in a tree house with his dog Huck and bride-to-be, Shawna. There he continued to hone his craft with the construction of everything from mansions to goat sheds, wine cellarsto theaters. Eventually the time came when Eamon wanted to use his innovation to build something America had never seen before: a tiny house hotel inspired by his years of travel. He and Shawna took back to the green hills of Vermont where he brought his vision to life with partner Bucky Hoss by his side; a six-foot-six, man-of-few-words and former Deadhead who plays human calculator to Eamons creative genius. Now people from across the globe come to Montgomery Center (AKA "Monkey Center"), VT and have their pick of Sheady Acres' eclectic 400-square-foot or less houses. These days Eamon relishes in his new-found fame as a leader of the Small House Movement while plotting his next small-house-move for Sheady Acres and beyond. "The cottages are simple in layout and feel much larger than their size." "Smart design; the cabins are small and unique and lovingly constructed. A fabulous alternative to the cookie cutter alternatives up the road!" "These cottages have been constructed with rustic and recycled materials and furnishings thatgive them an appeal from yesteryear." Quotes taken from Eamon O'Shea Bio
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