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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 ECCRINEallow excess water to leave the body.The majority of eccrine glands are located mainly on the forehead, the bottoms of the feet, and the palms,although the glands are everywherethroughout the body. They help thebody to maintain temperature control. KIDNEYremoves the nitrogenous wastes from the blood such as urea and salts and excess water are also removed from the blood and excrete them in the form of urine BILEsecreted within the smallintestine where it helps to break down ethanol, fats and other acidic wastes including ammonia, into harmless substances. LARGE INTESTINE collects waste from throughout thebody. It extracts any remaining usable water and then removes solid waste. At about 10 feet long, it transports By Victor Renteria, Hailey Modzelewska & Macey Malone SKINextracts sweat through sweat glands throughout the body. This helps to remove additional wastes. Such as excess urine. Furthermore, the sweat, helped by salt, evaporates and helps to keep the body cool when it is warm LIVERdetoxifies and breaks down chemicals, poisons and other toxins that enter the body. The Excretory System relies on the skeletal system for support of the bladder, the integumentary system for protection, respiratory and circulatory, for oxygenation and blood flow from which the kidney filter, the nervous system to give instructions to the brain and the endocrine system to balance salt and waterdigestive system, since it delivers liquid.The digestive system relies on the excretory system because whatever the organism consumes,goes the excretory system in order to be digested and releasedas waste KIDNEY STONES o Symptoms: Vomiting/nausea, painful urination, fever or chills o How it is diagnosed: physical examination, urinalysis, radiographic studies, blood tests o Treatment(s): pain medicine, drinking lots of fluids, lithotripsy, surgery to deal with the stone, oLife expectancy: average time a stone takes to pass ranges from 1 to 3 weeks, o Quality of life with this disease, ailment, or illness: Normal, but kidney stones are very painful o Kidney stones are made of salt and mineral in the urine. Claim: I claim that homeostasis helps the excretory system to function.Evidence: ~ balancing waste and nutrients~ emptying unnecessary material~ regulates blood pressure, body’s ph levels, O2 saturationReasoning: The excretory system shows a great example of homeostasis in an organism because it balances the amount of nutrients, electrolytes, and vitamins the body holds. The body can overdose on vitamins if there is an excessive amount in it’s system so the excretory system helps to rid of excess minerals, vitamins, and electrolytes the body ingests. By doing so, the body has a more regulated blood pressure, ph level, oxygen saturation and more. -Claim: We claim that the excretory and digestive systems interact.-Evidence: 1. the liver 2.Mouth 3. the conversion of energy (digestive) and the expel system (Excretory)-Reasoning: We claim that the excretory and the digestive systems interact with each other. The liver is a part of both the digestive and excretory systems. In the digestive system, the liver processes nutrients absorbed by the small intestines. In the excretory system, the liver is a major organ in removing toxins from the body. The mouth is the beginning of the digestive system, the initial intake point of the food. The mouth is what begins the process of both the digestive and excretory systems, because the digestive system turns the food you eat through your mouth, into energy. The excretory system gets rid of unnecessary waste and toxins that you take in through your mouth, in the form of food, drinks, or drugs. Claim: I claim that learning about the excretory system is relevant to my own life. Evidence: ~ I have an excretory system ~ my excretory system keeps me alive ~ living organisms have an excretory system that keeps them aliveReasoning: The excretory system affects my life because everyone I know, including myself, has one that helps them to survive since they help us to maintain homeostasis by ridding of unneeded wastes from our bodies, keeping us alive and healthy. Excretory System -Claim: We claim that kidney stones can be prevented, and if necessary, treated.-Evidence PREVENTION1. Drink lots of fluids to produce lots of urine. (6-8 glasses/day)2. If you have a history of stones, you may need to take medicine or make changes to your diet3. Your doctor may want to do bloodand urine testsTREATMENT 1. Kidney stones that are small usually pass through your system on their own2. Over the counter pain medicines can bevery effective in helping with the pain of a passing tone. 3. Again, drinking lots of water helps them to pass easier because of the large amounts of urine. -Reasoning: We claim that Kidney stones can be prevented, and if necessary, can be treated. In preventing these stones, drinking plenty of water throughout the day is key. By drinking 6-8 glasses a day, you produce enough urine to keep them from becoming a problem. If there is a history ofkidney stones, and prevention is recommended, medication may be needed to help prevent another episode. Changes in diet can certainly have an impact on the severity and timing of stones. If necessary, doctors can take blood and urine samples to test for prevention methods. When treating kidney stones, there is not much that can be done. Depending on size, stones usually pass on their own. Pain medication, such as over the counter ibuprofen, can lessen the pain of a larger passing stone. Drinking lots of water is the best prevention, and treatment methods, because it keeps your kidney flushed and clean. Claim: I claim that we could rid of kidney stones from the human population by using genetics or changing diets. Evidence: ~ calcium stones risk can be increased by bad diet ~ Rarer types of kidney stones are mostly genetic ~ uric acid kidney stones are a result of genetic kidney stones and a meat-based dietReasoning: Kidney stones can be greatly reduced or erased completely from the human population by changing our diets and not allowing kidney stone patients to pass on their genes since kidney stones are caused by bad genetics and diets. For example, calcium stones are caused by mostly bad diets mean while, rarer types of kidney stones are usually due to genetics and uric acid stones are caused a mixture ofbad genetics and a mostly protein/ meat-based diet.
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