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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Five Goals of FutureProfessional Development ET5063 Technology for Staff Development This infographic is about what I have learned in this course, how this learning will help me exemplify the Educational Technology program dispositions, and five goals for future professional development What have I learned... Educational TechnologyProgram Dispositions This course has helped me become a better technology leaderfor my grade level, school site, and district.By seeking out various technology staff professional developmentand technology, it shows my enthusiasm to hone my craft.I am currently planning and giving technology staffdevelopment on beginner iPad skills for the classroom foranother school site. I will be giving more trainings to other sites in the near future.By using the various aspects of this course and by learning to create efficient and effective assessments throughout your staff technology professional development, it has improved myleadership skills. 1. Course or trainings on how to implement more technology intothe Common Core classroom.2. Creating and analyzing staff professional development assessmentsbetter and using it to guide future content or curriculum.3. Learning more ways to implement iPad apps in the classroom forstudent learning.4. Learning about and possibly developing an iPad/iPhone appfor students to use on a daily basis to become a better student.5. Develop and create other technology staff development trainingsor workshops for my school and district, focusing on implementingtechnology to meet the new Common Core Standards. Copyright - 2013 Shawn Akida Ross 1. How to develop a better staff development curriculum2. How to focus on the content area, audience skill level, and the future plans for staff development3. The three main principles of Universal Design Learning (UDL)4. Considering the purpose, learner outcomes, delivery methods, and your audience5. Gauging the audience and skill level is vital6. How to make appropriate assessments throughout the training/workshop/course7. Consider the curriculum timeline8. Many new tools and ideas from class discussions9. Where I can expand my technology professional development in the future
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