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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 TECHNOLOGY in the Science classroom The National EducationTechnology Standards list six standards studentsshould utilize in learning. The 21st Century Learner: 1. Creativity and innovation2. Communication and collaboration3. Research and information fluency4. Critical thinking and problem solving5. Digital citizenship6. Technology operations and concepts The Colorado Departmentof Education has published five 21st century skills andreadiness competencies inScience. 1. Critical thinking and reasoning2. Information literacy3. Collaboration4. Self-direction5. Invention These two categoriescorrelate with one anotherto justify the importance of utilizing technology in the science classroom. Ideas for technology integration: Before you can successfullyintegrate technology you mustfirst understand TPACK.TPACK is a metacognitiveframework that allowsteachers to look at threedomains of teaching. This canbe used to integrate moretechnology in the classroom aswell as how and which kind oftechnologies should be used.The three categories aredependent on one another andall three should be utilizedtogether in order for studentsto have the highest rate of success. STUDENTSUCCESS Digital storytelling Glogster Google maps, sites, etc.. Blogs Digital presentations By integrating technology in the scienceclassroom, science and technology state standards will be met to ensure studentsuccess in the classroom. Resources: Educational games Augmented reality Applications on the iPad Koehler, Matthew J. "TPACK Explained." TPACKorg. N.P., n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2014 "21st Century Skills in Colorado's Reading, Writing, and Communicating Standards." Colorado Department of Education Home Page. N.P., n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2014.
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