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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Individuals... Students enrolled in the Bird Husbandry Course at Pikes Peak Community College in Colorado Springs, CO, were the intended audience for this EE program. These students have prior background and knowledge needed for this program to have a great impact. Students enrolled in the Bird Husbandry Course at Pikes Peak Community College in Colorado Springs, CO, were the intended audience for this EE program. These students have prior background and knowledge needed for this program to have a great impact. Managing Flamingos as These days 80% 26% 13% 100% Not Flocks Captive Management Techniques Used At Denver Zoo Captive Management Techniques Used At Denver Zoo Brittney WeaverDenver Zoo AIPNovember 2014 Dot Voting was used for both pre and post evaluation assessment. Goal: To educate and discuss effective management techniques for captive animal populations with emphasis on flamingos with college aged students Students gain knowledge about managed animal programs utilized in zoos, customizing the various techniques for a specific species, and the role of zoos in conservation. Photo Credit: S. Learning Outcomes Ballantyne, R., & Packer, J. (2005). Promoting environmentally sustainable attitudes and behaviour through freechoice learning experiences: what is the state of the game?. Environmental Education Research, 11(3), 281-295.Jacobson, S. K. (1990). Graduate education in conservation biology. Conservation biology, 4(4), 431-440.King, C. E. (2000). Captive flamingo populations and opportunities for research in zoos. Waterbirds, 142-149.Matiasek, J., & Luebke, J. F. (2014). Mission, messages, and measures: Engaging zoo educators in environmental education program evaluation. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 41, 77-84.Packer, J., & Ballantyne, R. (2010). The role of zoos and aquariums in education for a sustainable future. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 2010(127), 25-34.Pikes Peak Community College (2011). Zoo Keeping Technology. Retrieved on 16 November 2014 from: References: 1. Basic knowledge of AZA captive management programs2. Captive animal populations are small and widely distributed3. Preservation of genetics helps create healthy populations4. Collaboration of zoological institutions is important5. Basic flamingo biology and natural history6. Colonial nesting birds may require a different style/combination of management techniques Audience Evaluation Question 3: Colonial nesting birds require a different style/combination of captive management techniques. Prior to the educational event, students felt unfamiliar with this concept. Post event,students overwhelmingly agreed! Pre event Post event Dot voting did not provide any information pertaining to individual student knowledge before or after the educational event. Therefore, this method was deemedineffective and will not be used in the future. environmental education is a the forefront of learning. It has the possibility to change the attitudes and behaviors of the learner and effect their views regarding environmentalism (Ballantyne & Packer, 2005). 56%
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