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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Basic Literacy Rate Functional Literacy Rate MEN AND WOMEN'S EDUCATION IN THE PHILIPPINES Net Enrollment Rate 91.7%9 out of 100 are not in schoolAverage Dropout Rate 5.02%Completion Rate 77.14% Statistics by: Functional Literacy, Education and Mass Media Survey 90 for every 100 women (about 26 million) can read and write. Public Elementary Level S.Y. 2010 - 2011 Net Enrollment Rate 88.78%11 out of 100 are not in school Average Dropout Rate 7.45%Completion Rate 67.65 % Net Enrollment Rate 66.0934 out of 100 are not in schoolCompletion Rate 80.27% Public Secondary Level S.Y. 2010 - 2011 Public Elementary Level S.Y. 2010 - 2011 Public Secondary Level S.Y. 2010 - 2011 Net Enrollment Rate 56.6343 out of 100 are not in schoolCompletion Rate 69.88% Literacy Rates of Population 10 - 64 Years Old, Philippines: 2008 96.1 88.7 84.2 95.1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1990 1994 2000 2003 2008 Basic Literacy Rate, Philippines: 1990 - 2008 93.2 92.3 92 96.1 86.8 90.4 93.7 94 95.1 94 87 for every 100 men (about 25 million) can read and write. 82 for every 100 men (about 24 million) can read and write with numerical skills. 63 for every 100 men (about 18 million) can read and write with numerical skills and could comprehend and communicate. 86 for every 100 women (about 25 million) can read and write with numerical skills. FLEMMS 2003 52.57 % 126,213 47.43 % 113,859 57.24 % 19, 600 42.76 % 14,641 Government Madrasah Elementary Level Secondary Level Enrollment Data, 2005 - 2006 Indigenous People 49.65 % 167,610 50.35 % 170, 006 Elementary Level Secondary Level 53.76 % 46,644 46.24 % 40,127 Higher Education Level 54.48 % 1,353,090 45.52 % 1,130,555 º Medical and Allied Discipline courses posted the highest percentage of female enrollees at 27.44%º Business Administration and Related Discipline at 24.35 %º Preceding school year, Business Administration and Related Discipline posted the highest percentage of female enrollees at 24.77 %º Medical and Allied Discipline at 23.25 % º Female graduates accounted for 56.61 percent (149,246)º Males accounted for 43.39 percent (114,388)º Business Administration and Related Discipline produced 48,369 (18.35%) female graduatesº Medical and Allied Discipline produced 37,371 (14.18%) female graduates.º Education and Teacher Training which came third produced 24,523 (9.30%) female graduates. 69 for every 100 women (about 20 million) can read and write with numerical skills and could comprehend and communicate. Additional Information Higher Education Graduates Vocational Courses º Housekeeping and Guestroom Maintenance accounted for the highest number at 13.27 percent and 14.07º Jewelry making accounted for the least number of enrollees at 7.40 percent and graduates at 6.73 percent º Licensed professional women was 63.7% and licensed professional men at 36.3º Female teachers accounted for the highest percentage at 44 percent (819,377)º Nurses at 27 percent (504,902).º Among the women dominated professions, Midwives top the list followed by Nutri-Dietitians, Social Workers, Pharmacists, Librarians, Guidance Counselors, Dental Hygienists, Interior Designers, Teachers, and Nurses -July 2010 Professionals º 89.58 % of the public elementary school teachers are femaleº 10.42 % of the public elementary school teachers are male.º 77.6 % of the public secondary school teachers are female.º 22.94 % of the public secondary school teachers are male. -School Year 2008-2009 º 3 out of 5 persons (63.3 percent) in the household population (5 to 24 years old) had attended schoolº School attendance among females was at 64 % º School attendance among male was at 62.75 % -School Year 2008-2009 º 56.2 % of females have academic degreesº 43.8 % of males have academic degrees.º 56.3 % of females have baccalaureate degrees.º 43.7 % of males have baccalaureate degrees. -School Year 2008-2009 Legend: Female Male An infographic on Men and Women's Education in the Philippines by Anne Palacio, Janine Origen, Miguel Pamplona III and Michelle Mori.
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