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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Understanding Visual and Digital LiteracyEDTE 665Jose I Martinez Definitions of digital and visual literacy have evolvedas time passes. From the readings I was able to understand that the basic beliefs on visual have consideredmoving, contextual, among traditional images with the belief that these images can be "read" (Baker, 2012).Digital literacy has also evolved and appears to be more complex basedon the various definitions and interpretations offered by the different people providing the definitions. I found it interesting the differences recognized in defining "media literacy," "information literacy,"and "digital literacy"-- and the conflicting differences in each of thosedefinitions respectively such as the ability to produce content as a component of being digitally literate (Koltay, 2011).Hobbs (2011) offers a framework for educatorsof both visual and digital media applications in their classroom withthe focus on five "communication competencies" (p.12):access, analyze, create, reflect, and act (p.12). These five competencieshave philosophical roots in Dewey's position that schools shouldengage in "ethical democratic citizenship" (p. 18). Digital Literacy: Digital literacy is the understanding of the culture of the digital media society. An understanding of this culture includes the ability to access, understand, analyze, reflect, and produce content electronically (online, computer, tablet, device) appropriate to its context. I would argue that you can be academically, K12 digital literate, but not literate socially and/or productive online- as vice/versa. Visual Literacy: Visual literacy is capacity for one to understand, analyze, reflect, and express posits of images displayed through various mediums. Having this capacity would also include the ability of creating ones own messages through a visual medium. My own definitions of Visual and Digital Literacy: To explain these definitions, I would argue first that digital literacy is dependent on visual literacy: one would have to be visually literate to be digitally literate as digital literacy is more complex than the former. Although there are movie cultures and art cultures, which are aligned to visual literacy, being digital literate is more complex because it is not physical. Digital literacy also becomes complex because of the different applications and subcultures that existhere one can be literate socially (use facebook, twitter), but is not literate in productive applications (Photoshop, paying bills online, etc.).
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