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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 COPYRIGHT LAW This dictates how you willuse music, videos, audio clips,journal articles and/or imagesin your assignments and research papers. Citing Works Plagiarism Copyright law protects the creator of original workfrom having his/her intellectual property duplicated,commercialized, or amended without consent. Fair Dealing What does this mean for you? Breaking Copyright Law What is INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY? The Government of Canada (2013) cites seven categories of work:literary (electronic and print), dramatic, artistic, musical, sound recording,a performer's performance, and communication signals. Using any of these worksimproperly can be breakingcopyright law. Inform yourselfand know what is consideredintellectual property. ...occurs in two ways: 1. When you submit or use somebodyelse's work as your own, or fail to give them proper credit2. Improper citation of sources This can be consideredstealing. If you did notcome up with it, youneed to cite your source. ...can be done in several styles(APA, Chicago, MLA...) to indicatewhere you got your information from.Remember: improper citation is a form of plagiarism. Always cite your sourcesproperly, and when in doubt, ask! Check out an exception to copyrightlaw that allows you to useworks for education, research,private study or criticism. Always cite your work!If you did not come up with it,then it must be cited. Providing you use the materialfor one of these appropriatepurposes, then you might be able to use copyrighted works.But remember: ALWAYS CITE YOUR SOURCE ...or infringing upon copyright law has serious consequences. This may result in monetary compensation and possible imprisonment. Remember: breaking copyright law is still breaking a law. Better to be safe than sorry:Don't plagiarize somebody'swork or use something without permission. Ask and remember to alwayscite your sources. References: Government of Canada. (2013, May 28). About copyright. Retrieved from Education Society. (2012). Copyright and teaching: the basics. Retrieved from
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