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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 When people began to explore the western United States in the 1860s they sentgeologists to study the landscape and survey the area. G.K. Gilbert was a young geologist that was sent to southern Utah to survey the Henry Mountains. While hewas familiar with types of rocks he found he had never encountered the formationsthey made. So he began collecting data in the hopes that he could describe what hewas seeing. In his first trip, Gilbert was able to make a hypothesis that there wereunder- surface magma reservoirs that never reached the surface. He had to makeseveral trips to the area to gather the data he needed to confirm his hypothesis but with the new data he was able to expand his ideas. A key component to Gilberts work was that he was able to create accurate sketches with the information he gathered that are still valid. Carpi, A. & Egger, A. (2008). Description in Scientific Research Visionlearning, Vol. POS-1 (6). Retrieved from: Science/49/Description-in-Scientific-Research/151/reading. (7 January 2015). Scientific Method: Description in Practice. Process & Methods of Description in Henry Mountain Survey A new type of intrusion (formation) was created and it was called a laccolith. Gilbert formalized his observations, sketches, measurements and research questions into a theory. With previous knowledge of rock formationsin mind, based on what was observed Gilbert were able to determined that the Henry Mountains were not typical rock formations. They wanted to determine how these rocks were forming. Gilbert observed the mountain formations, gathered data about the rocks and measure-ments of the formation. He created sketches from the information he collected. The first hypothesis formed was that there were "under-surface magma reservoirs that never reached the surface." After some time gathering new data the second hypothesis emerged, there were "[igneous masses] with sheets (or layers of rock) above and below them." Gilbert was able to make new sketches (see image). Observation: Data, Measurements, Samples and Sketches. Research Questions. Form Hypothesis. Form Theory. by Sarah de Vries
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