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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Kalamazoo United Shared Prosperity Loss of territories - productive land,industries and raw resources 3. 2. Key Focus Areas: Youth "Poverty is strongly associated with educational performance..." "Between 2000 and 2009 -2011 the poverty rate for all persons in the city increased from to " Priority Five JOBS 1. How is poverty effecting Kalamazoo? "9 of Kalamazoo's 16 neighborhoods are characterized by concentrated poverty" Families " of children in the city live in families with incomes below the poverty line" " of all residents inthe city of Kalamazoohad incomes belowthe poverty line" " of men, 25 to 54 wholive in Kalamazoo arenot working" 46% "In of regular schools in Kalamazoo County, at least two-thirds of all students are economically disadvantaged." "Only of economically disadvantaged ninth graders in Kalamazoo County graduate from highschool on-time, compared to of all others" 85% 69% 21 "The number of Kalamazoo children in poverty skyrocketed from to " 65 White, 13,338, Black, 7,208, Hispanic, 2,131,Other, 1,529, Black, 3,302,White, 1,798, Hispanic, 853,Other, 392, Total number of persons in poverty in Kalamazoo 24,206 55% 30% 9% 6% Totoal number of children in poverty: 6,345 28% 52% 6% 16% "Nationwide, of men 25-54, do not work" 14% 27% 24% 31% 37% 47% 37%
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