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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Who areFilm Directors? The Director is the driving creative forcein a film's production, and acts as thecrucial link between the production,technical and creative teams. Directors are responsible for creatively translatingthe film's written script into actualimages and sounds on the screen - heor she must visualise and define thestyle and structure of the film, then actas both a storyteller and team leader tobring this vision to reality. During pre- production, Directors make crucial decisions, such as selecting the right cast, crew and locations for thefilm. They then direct rehearsals,and the performances of theactors once the film is in production. Directors also manage the technical aspects of filming, including the camera, sound, lighting, design and special effects departments. Isaac Moores, b.ftv Laypeople sometimes confuse the director with the producer. This is understandable since they are both "bosses" of the film, and indeed their jobs can often overlap. The difference is that the producer is usually responsible for overseeing the entire project, including finance and budgets, hiring staff, managing logistics, etc. The director is more responsible for the creative aspects. The director is usually hired by and answerable to the producer. While there are numerous training courses and reference books on directing, formal qualifications are not necessary to become a Director. Studying the art and craft of directing is important, but the role can only really be mastered through in -depth practical experience. Writing a screenplay, directing one's own short film or an amateur play, are all good starting places. Extensive industry experience is also crucial to this role; up-to-date knowledge of filmmaking techniques and equipment is vital, as is learning how to work with actors to create a performance. A Directors work their way up over many years from entry level positions, getting work experience as a Runner on a film set or in a production office is an ideal starting point. Observing successful Directors at work, whilst immersing oneself in the practical process of filmmaking, are vital first steps on this fiercely competitive and highly challenging career path. The role of a director has not changed very dramaticallyin the past, especially as it is such a broad term, but one clear example of how technology in particular has effected it is the use of screens to view what is being filmed. In the past when film cameras were used the directors main role on set was getting the actors to perform the way they wanted them to rather than actually watching what was being filmed, not with digital filmsthe director will often sit in a tent and watch on a screen what is being filmed. In some cases the director will not even leave the tent to direct their actors, and will use a speaker system to communicate instead. By Hannah Moores
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