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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 INFRASTRUCTURE21st CENTURY SUPPORT SYSTEMS DIGITAL RESOURCES INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICE The 5th Grade Global Awareness Technology Project gives all fifth grade students the opportunity to demonstrate their learning through technology products.Required student skills including digital literacy, digital fluency, and media literacy are defined in the technology integration guides, internet safety pacing guides, International Society for Technology In Education Standards for Students, and programs of studies.Special events such as Digital Citizenship Week and the Hour of Code provide students opportunities to focus on topics of interest. Extremely Important Digital Learning: The Current State ESSENTIAL STUDENT SKILLS Digital learning is facilitated by technology that gives students and teachers greater control over the time, place, path, and pace of learning. FINANCE How important is the effective implementation of technology within instruction to your child(ren)'s success?(From 2013 FCPS SpeakUp Survey Results) double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. What concerns you most about the use of technology at your child's school? (From 2013 FCPS SpeakUp Survey Results)Technology use is very teacher dependent with a lot of variance between classes- 39%Concerns about confidentiality of my child's school records or private information on the school network- 33%There are not enough computers for every student to use- 32% PARENTAL/COMMUNITY SUPPORT Somewhat Important or Very Important 81%Not Important or Somewhat Important 18% Laptops (or appropriate device(s) are available in every classroom. Every teacher has a laptop.FCPS has wireless access in every building.BYOD is being implemented divisonwide.FCPS has implemented capacity planning for emerging technologies.Internet Content Filtering is available on campus and at home for identified projects.FCPS is currently reviewing options to provide a vehicle for students on Free and Reduced Meals to purchase personal devices through a shared cost structure between students and business partners. How much do you agree with this statement: "As a result of how technology is used in my child's school, I believe that he/she is being well prepared to use digital tools and resources in college or in a future job."Strongly Agree-15% Somewhat Agree- 50% Somewhat Disagree - 16% Strongly Disagree- 8% No opinion- 6% Unsure- 6% Collaborative tools available divisionwide include: FCPS 24-7 Learning, Google Apps for Education, and Voice Thread.Online tools and content including library digital databases, Tumblebooks, MyOn, Pebble Go, and online textbooks provide access to content that supports learning.Instructional resources developed by FCPS, External Sources, and teachers are available via the eCART Resource Search.Accessible instructional materials are available for identified students.Technology@Home project provides students and staff access to technology products at discounted rates. Exemplary approaches such as the Global Awareness Technology Project and Finance Park are furthering the use of technology as an instructional tool at different grade levels.Blended learning and flipped classrooms are being implemented in different classrooms.School Based Technology Specialists support digital transformation at the school level by providing training and leadership.Student collaboration is expanding through the use of technology tools.The FCPS Online Campus is changing the time, place, path, and pace of learning for a number of studentsProfessional development is provided through FCPS Academy, North TIER, and TLT (Teaching and Learning with Technology) sessionsSummer curriculum development projects provide instructional resources for teachers to use in instruction. LEADERSHIP The use of effective use of technology as a tool for learning is highlighted through different venuesInterdepartmental projects like the Innovation Institute further the use of technology across the curriculum.SBTS work in collaborative teams in schools to further the use of technologyTechnology profiles identify recommended technology for all levelsProcesses are in place to pilot technology such as Executive Functioning and Teacher Evaluation toolsProfessional development such as the Assistive Technology Conference furthers understanding of how technology supports learning Limited technology funding is available through Tech Plan, REOC, Donations, Business partnerships and Grants.$XXX,XXX is needed to maintain existing technology.
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