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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Digital Storytelling Digital storytelling was started in the 1980's by a Dana Atchley. In 1994 Dana Atchley, Joe Lambert, and Nina Mullen founded theCenter for Digital Storytelling. In 1990 Dana Atchley taughtworkshops at the American Film Institute. Library Story Times(combining stories and technology) Presenting stories in a digital format will engage children who are hesitant readers, special needs, or ESL children.-When used in educational environment promotes social interaction-Quality and fluency of reading enhanced do to interaction with technology-Provides visual aid for difficult to understand concepts, creating a positive impact on cognitive development Dogan, B. (2014). Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling in K-12: Research Results of Digital Storytelling Contest (DISTCO) 2013.In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2014, p520-529). Retrieved from, D. (2006). Emerging Research Agenda for Technology and Young Children.Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2006 ,p. 4287-4291. Retrieved from, M., & Garcia, P. A. (2010). Digital storytelling: A new player on the narrative field. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 2010(126), p. 37-48. Retrieved from Library Classes(Education Uses of Digital Storytelling) What is a Digital Story Digital stories combine images, audio, music, and video to create a short story. Types of Stories Love Adventure Discovery Memorial Accomplishment Mystery Research Study: DISTCO 2013For the study, researchers had students and teachers participate in a digital storytelling contest. The purpose of the study was to see how the process of creating a short story using technology can be educational and effective. -60% of participants had never created digital story-Opportunities to use computers, direct, and express themselves-Gain skills in information, visual, media literacy-Increased technical, research, and writing skills Fantasy Platforms for Digital Storytelling Framework of Digital Storytelling Library Uses -Need technology-Technology is continually changing-Can be expensive-Need staff to run and teach programs-Uses multiple types of technology-Staff need to be efficent in use of technology, and have ability to teach others -Library users of all ages opportunities to learn about different technologies-Allows children, teens, and adults to interact and communicate-Promotes self-expression and creativity-Teach skills that are relevant and necessary in 21st century Challenges of Digital Storytelling Rewards of Digital Storytelling Resources
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