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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 What is the Digital Divide? The digital divide is the gap between those who do and do not have ready access to internet and technology. This can create an issue of social inequality because those who do not have as much exposure to technology are generally those in the lower socioeconomic class. But home internet access is the norm right? American Households with Ready Internet Access 71% 20% 9% American Households with No Access to Internet American Householdswith Internet Access not at Home Based on information gathered in 2010 It is assumed that all individuals have some typeof access to the internet and technology, but thisisn't the case. A factor at large in the cause of the division is economic class. As of 2010, 99%of Housholds making $150,000 a year had internetaccess at home where only 57% of those making $15,000 or less had internet access. Why does the Digital Divide Matter? So some people can't use facebook. Why is this such a big deal? The ability to use and adapt to changing technology is becoming more and more necessary in today's work field. The idea of providing everyone with equal chance to excel academically and in a career includesequal exposure to technology because it is becoming more common and important in everyday life. This is challenging when not all homes have access to the internet and technology. Because some students have more access to these things, they tend to better understand not only the technology itself, but also the content being taught using the technology providing them with an advantage over other students. - "Discussing employability skills would be incomplete without discussing technology." What can be done to fix it? At this time, one of the best solutions to closing the digital divide is increasing the amount of technology available in schools and continuing to train teachers on how to effectively incorporate technology into lesson plans to improve and encourage the students' abilities with technology. To make this happen, many school districts over recent years have adopted the "one-to-one" concept. This means that schools have some type of device for every single student to use for school purposes whether that be ipad, ipod, laptop, etc. According to information gathered in 2012, students used these devices in school Desktops54% Laptops37% Notebooks5% Thin Clients1% Smartphones1% Tablets2% Can we bring ourown ipods and ipads? Yes, in some schools principles are allowing and encouraging teachers to have students come to class with their own devices whether it be ipads, laptos, etc. This way if the school is not one-to-one, students have a better chance of having a device to use. This idea has become BYOD or Bring Your Own Device.Some companies have even adopted this idea! The key is not only to expose students to technology. It is equally, if not more important that teachers effectively incorporate technology into their classroom. This doesn't mean using technology simply for the sake of using technology, but using it in a way that students benefit from it. file:///C:/Users/Meagan/Downloads/digital_divide_newmediareader%20(2).pdf Digital DivideMeagan Krings
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