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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Unhealthy eating and inactivity contribute to 310,000- 580,000 deaths each year. Junk Foods: 13 times the amount of people killed by gun incidents, are by lacking a good diet. 20 times the amount of people killed by drug abuse, are by lacking a good diet. It may have the appearance of the savory food that your body craves however, it is mainly made up of chemicals, gums, and sugar fillers. Fake Foods: Processed Food: It is made from real food, however looks can be deceiving.The difference is that this food has been put through devitalizing chemical processes and are infused with chemicals and preservatives. They contain very little real food. They're mainly made of devitalizedprocessed food,hydrogenated fats, chemicals, and preservatives, and include anything made with refined white flour. The typical American diet is too high in saturated fats, sodium, and sugar and too low in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, calcium, and fiber. DID YOU KNOW? Is it Worth the Energy? Though it may be hard to resist your favoritebinge food, you should consider developing more will power. These non-foods have one thing in common; it costs your body a great deal more to digest, absorb, andeliminate them than they offer your body nutritionally. Thus leaving your body sluggish and depleted. The Food Takes a Toll Seriously Overweight/Obese...................................113,360,000High Blood Pressure.................................................50,000,000Diabetes....................................................................15,700,000Coronary Heart Disease............................................12,600,000Osteoporosis............................................................. 10,000,000Cancer.......................................................................8,900,000Stroke........................................................................4,600,000 Number of Americans Living With Diet and Inactivity- Related Disease: Why Fix What is Not Broken? Life Cut Short by What is at the End of Your Fork: Digestion or Addiction? 1.) Junk foods fill the brain with a chemical called dopamine. 2.) Junk foods tend to lead to powerful cravings. 3.) Imaging studies have shown that the thought of junk foods can lead to powerful craving. 4.) A tolerance to the "rewarding" effect builds up. 5.) Many people binge on junk foods. 6.) Cross-sensitization: lab animals can switch from drugs to sugar, and vice versa. 7.) Drugs that fight addiction are being used for weight loss. 8.) Abstaining can lead to withdrawal symptoms 9.) Junk foods are seriously harmful to physical health. 10.) Food addiction symptoms satisfy the official medical criteria for drug addiction. 10 Ways That Unhealthy Foods are Similar to Addictive Drugs: If you took a survey, just about anyone that you'd ask would say that today's technology makes everything easier to obtain. However just because it is easy, does not make it sustainable for the only home we will ever be granted- Earth. CAN IT BE? PRODUCTION PROCESSING DISTRIBUTION CONSUMPTION WASTE Emissions of human-grade greenhouse gases occur at every step along themodern food chain-- from seed to plate to landfill. 43-56% Other non- food related emissions 15-18% Land Use Change and Deforestation 11-15% AgriculturalProduction 15-20% Processing, Transport, Packing, Retail 2-4% Waste Land Use Change: Industrialized food has caused land to accommodate ourhumanly needs', rather than our needs' accommodating mother nature's needs. We have deforested acres of land to make room for massive animal feedlots to meet high consumer demands. Transport: There is such a thing now called food miles- referring to the distance that processed foods travel, before meeting our dinner plates. This distancehas been increasing over the last fifty years, and now processed foods travel approximately 1,300 miles before being consumed. Agricultural Production: Soil fertility was something that today's technologies could not avoid. That is until synthetic fertilizer was discovered. This sped up production, however it only was adding numerous chemicals such as ammonia to the environment, breaking down its natural qualities. If the thought of synthetic fertilizer is not bad enough, just imagine the "meat that we eat, and how it is raised. It is inferred by scientific research that approximately two- thirds cattle raised for slaughter are injected with growth hormones, to allow them to grow fast enough to meet consumer demands.
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