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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 INFOGRAPHICDon LeMichael StefanikAlexa Horgan Human Error Data: 3 Most Common Source of Threats * Phishing-the collection of passwords, usernames, and credit card information through masquerading as a trustworthy website* Sniffing-techniques used to capture unencrypted information and used to gain access to information over a network * Fuzzing-The sporadic insertion of random bits of data into a computer program to test for potential memory leaks Malicious Activity Methods* Hacking-the exploitation of weaknesses or openings in a computer system or network for personal gain or simply enjoyment Network Attacks* Denial-of-Service Attack- the act of two or more individuals disabling a high activity server in order to block its usage to its intended users Components of a Security Program- Senior management must establish ways to manage risk and improve security Responses/ Recovery: Hacking 3 Types of Safeguards Types of HackersWhite-hat: ethical hackersBlack-hat: criminal hackers Data Security Human: Procedures and People Technical: Hardware and Software- There are many different kinds of hacking What can businesses do to protect themselves? Fighting Back Threats, hacking, and responses Natural Disaster Hacker Terms - 64% of all data breaches were attributable to human error.- Procedural mistakes - Disasters can cause massdestruction, resulting in the loss of sensitive information. 1981 Bots Malicious Programs* Virus-a program that replicates itself to be distributed into multiple computers in order to corrupt data or steal information* Trojan Horse- a non-replicating program which acts as a backdoor for unauthorized users to gain access into a computer*Worm-A program that replicates itself and are usually used to connect to computers and send spam from each computer.•Spyware- This is used to track user activity and collect data without the users knowledge or consent and relay it back to the original programmer. •Adware- a software package which tracks a users internet activity and provide ads to the user to which the ad relates to. - Insider attacks, unauthorized access, and hackers. This program searches and collects info from web serversand adjusts instructing to be displayed as the programmer commands. The technology and the policy and procedures for its use that protect electronic protected health information and control access to it. -This provides the platform for the reciprocal automatic exchange of information. -Employees, non employees, account administrators, systems procedures and security monitoring, although the most vulnerable to human error Human: Practice!Practice! Practice! Every organization must have a disaster preparedness and recovery plan such as: -An emergency response backup team -Outside legal counsel -Investigation and breach resolution providers -Emergency evacuation for employee personnel AND Every organization must have a disaster preparedness and recovery plan such as: -Breach Response Team -Outside legal counsel -Emergency evacuation for employee personnel AND.. Practice!Practice!Practice! Sources: -
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