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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 THE DARK SIDE OF THE INTERNET Kim, W., Jeong, O., Chulyun, K., & So, J. (2011). The dark side of the Internet: Attacks, cost and responses. Information Systems, 36, 675-705. THE DARK SIDE Seven Technology-Centric Elements SpamMalwareHackingDenial of ServicesPhishingClick FraudViolation of Digital Property Rights Eight Non-Technology-Centric Elements Online TheftOnline Scams and FraudsPhysical Harm to PeopleBullyingDefamation and Invasion of PrivacyAiding CrimeIllegal Online GamblingOther (Abusive language, non-payment of items, posting copyrighted material, etc.) CAUSES double click to change this header text! Desire for Financial GainChanging MoresWeak Sense of RealityAnger, Envy, Malice, etc.Need to Reassure a Sense of Self-WorthDesire for Self-PromotionOne-UpmanshipDesire to Release StressSexual Dysfunction Anonymity ADDRESSING THE DARK SIDE LegislationLaw EnforcementLitigationInternational CollaborationVolunteer ActionsEducationAwareness and Caution Non-Technology-Centric Responses Concerns The slow pace to create new (or revise) lawsAdequate budgets and trained manpowerDifferent countries have different laws and law enforcement capabilitiesSome volunteer groups may violate laws when trying to perform good deeds ...the best that the world can do to combat the dark side is to keep it to a tolerable level, and the world will simply have to learn to live with the dark side. " " Cyber Citizen Partnership http://www.cybercitizen ship.orgCyber Angels http://www.cyberangels.orgGetNetWise The Internet Keep Safe Coalition http://www.ikeep http://www.scambusters.orgIdentity Theft Resource Center http://www.idtheftcenter.orgNational Cyber Security Alliance Created by Allan Carter Educational Technology Law 693118 January 2014
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