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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 DOG I'd say that thetheme for thisbook is that the grassisn't alwaysgreener on theother side.I know this because with allof the charactersin the story theyall wanted something differentand it wasn't always better forthen, sometimes worse. Tariq is a very strong characterthroughout the book.He is missing a leg but he doesn't let it get him down. He always stands upfor Laila and protectsher from the other kids. Khaled Hosseini When Mariam findsout that her fatherdoesn't wantto be apart ofher life she hasno place to go.She is forced to marry ata young age.When Laila was growingup she had a bestfriend namedTariq. When she wouldn'tmarry him heleft. Her parentshad gotten blownup and then shewas forced to marry and becomethe 2nd wife. What caused Mariam and Laila to finally getalong?A. Rasheed died of a heartattackB.Laila was diagnosed with cancerC. Mariam got abused by RasheedD. Laila divorced out of the marriage and married Tariq LailiMarriamTariqRasheed Mariam is a young woman who hasencountered a veryrough life. She hasa father who doesn't want her and a motherthat hung herself.To top it all off she isforced into a marriageshe wants nothingto be apart of. Laila is a strong young woman. From a youngage she had to learn tofin for herself, sense hermother was "ill". She has big block in her road. She is also forced to marry, it leads to some complicationsdown the road then. Mac | Early Adopter | Gadgets Nerds and Geeks typically getplaced as the same types of people. However there are many differences between the two. Rasheed is an older man and throughoutthe novel he justkeeps getting older.When he was married to his firstwife they losttheir only son.He now has gottenmarried two times.Yes, he has twowives. AUTHOR Theme Plot Line AR Question 4 out of 5 stars MAINCHARACTERS Mariam Laila Rasheed A THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS 4 out of 5 because it was aninteresting book, but at times it did get a littlelengthy.It made me want to keep reading. Tariq Nerds and Geeks typically getplaced as the same types of people. However there are many differences between the two. Nerds and Geeks typically getplaced as the same types of people. However there are many differences between the two.
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